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RE: The Latin American Report # 455

in Deep Dives13 days ago (edited)

"...cigar aficionados..."

I'm still mad I can't get Cuban cigars in the US. They are a high quality product, though a bit mild for my taste. I smoke cigars constantly. I am smoking a cigar right now. I think it's a good thing that Cuba has such a high quality product it can market, and the returns to Cuba in that market are support for my claim, and for the Cuban people. I also thought the Cuban doctor exchange for oil was a clever and extremely good thing for Cuba, because even if the US disrupted the beneficial exchanges Cuba achieved, Cuba still had one of the best medical care systems in the world for it's people, because good doctors are the most important part of the medical industry.

I am sad to hear the program is moribund. I hope ya'll get it revived and in play with a quickness.



I am proud of your assessment of our doctors, which I share. Just this week, my sister, a cousin-brother, and his girlfriend just graduated as physicians and are already routed to specialties in natural medicine and internal medicine, respectively. The Cuban health care system has been hit hard by the loss of doctors and the general state of the economy, but it is holding its own, and I feel it when I have to take care of my son in case of any eventuality.

I found it interesting to learn about your taste for tobacco. The Habano Festival culminated here yesterday amid strong criticism from groups that see it as too glamorous for the economic crisis we are going through. The important thing will be to see how the profits obtained will be reverted in concrete improvements to the health system itself, which is the direct beneficiary of the great auction that takes place in that festival. Thank you always for your feedback here.