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RE: The Latin American Report # 478

I have to state my vehement opposition to ejecting people from the US without due process. For decades since 9/11 the USG has claimed the utterly unconstitutional power to hold people without charges, without due process and the rights granted sovereign Americans in the Constitution. Worse, it has tortured them, and I am confident has tortured their children to interrogate parents. This has been specifically mentioned by John Yee (IIRC), I believe President George W. Bush's legal counsel.

President Trump has happily alluded to convicting people that vandalize cars of terrorism, and shipping them off to El Salvador where they will enjoy the tender mercies of the gang destroying prisons Bukele has created there. This is certainly not lawful, neither just under any rational and humane legal theory. Ideologues may cheer when it's their political enemies being so rudely exterminated, but such morons never stop to think that there is an election for President every four years in America, and four years from now it could be their children being packed off to El Salvador.

There has been horrible impacts from unrestricted immigration, some have characterized it as an invasion of millions of people that are not Americans, neither materially nor politically. But the parties that made that invasion possible are not standing in a courtroom, their crimes specified on a docket. It is their victims, whom they cruelly used for political purposes, and not out of humanitarian concern, that are suffering the consequences of those crimes against the Constitution.

This is internecine gang warfare for control of the US government President Trump is waging, not justice, not protecting Americans. This reduces the American government to a gangland, a criminal organization, no longer a shining city on a hill.
