Yes, it is very much the case that we need to do something about it, and that something we should do needs to be at the level of pitchforks and torches, and I am not exaggerating at all. The reason it is not an exaggeration to say it rises to the level of import that involves revolutionary action is that in both Europe and Japan, at least, new Covid vaccines are being administered to the public that self-replicate - in other words, the 'vaccine' IS a virus, that can be shed and then infect others that do not recieve an injection in their arm.
These self-replicating vaccines are not vaccines, because they are bioweapons, as Dr. Francis Boyle, whom drafted the international convention against bioweapons that has been adopted by the majority of nations of the Earth, has directly and repeatedly stated.
IOW, Kill Gates and his MIC handlers have crafted a laboratory virus that is a bioweapon that they are actually releasing into the wild deliberately today by injecting them into willing test subjects in Japan and Europe. This virus apparently does the same things, and has the same DNA contamination(s), as the Covid jabs disseminated after 2020 manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna (that were actually manufactured by military contractors, that Pfizer and Moderna agreed to act as manufacturers of in contracts with the DOD). This means that we are right now in the process of being subjected to the man made epidemic of the Covid jabs that, to my knowledge, has the full gamut of adverse effects of myocarditis that causes children to have heart attacks, activates dormant viruses like herpes and mononucleosis, and accelerates cancers, as well as causes VAIDS and deranges the immune system preventing it from providing natural policing and curing such disease and illness.
Additionally, the plasmids that these virii self-create when they cause themselves to be replicated in the human cells they infect have been shown to preferentially infect human reproductive organs, where they can impact human germ cells like eggs and sperm, causing these viruses to be incorporated into the offspring of infected people.
I cannot strongly enough convey a warning about this danger. It is literally a man made existential plague that is designed to exterminate the human species. It has been deliberately introduced into the wild. This introduction cannot now be prevented, and only by using means that prevent the harms and effects of these bioweapons can people survive the infections, and prevent them from being passed on to their children.
You can easily confirm this information by searching for 'self-replicating vaccines' on the search engine of your choice.
Edit: while I didn't mention it above, this is a crime against humanity, an attempted genocide, and everyone who had undertaken to create and release this man-made virus is a war criminal that needs to be hanged for their treason against the human species. This is literally the worst crime that has ever been committed in the history of the human species known today. It is a threat to every man, woman, and child alive, deprives all humanity that has ever lived of their sacrifices and love of their families and peoples, and to eradicate our posterity for all eternity. No threat, not even the impact of asteroids on Earth, has risen to a greater danger to humanity since people evolved. No worse crime against humanity can conceivably be imagined.
Whatever religious or spiritual background anyone has, this is the epitomy of absolute evil that is conceivably possible. We today face the most Satanic evil that can be imagined, and evil has taken this action, putting this plague in process, already. If anyone is to live through this plague, we will have to provide means of curing this disease in ourselves, and in our children who will be infected with it because it is contained in the sperm and eggs of people infected.
God help us.