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RE: Escape From Samsara

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

"...raise their house of cards to the ground..."

I was only confused for a moment by this, only a little from the end of your post. I am sure from context you meant 'raze', not 'raise'.

"The object changes from one moment to the next, but the essence of the subject, pure observation, remains the same."

I utterly refute this claim. It is without factual basis to suppose that we cannot have a purpose more significant that escaping existence, and to put forward such a suggestion to intended cattle could hardly more benefit the husbandmen who intend to profit from slaughtering cattle, as can easily be seen.

IMG source - /b/

I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I have observed enough of the machinations of the Machiavellian to observe they are parasites, and we have heretofore suffered their extraction of our production because they have been beneficial more than harmful. Through the management of our civil society these parasites have had some utility in ensuring supply lines enabled them to extract wealth from collective production, and because it enabled them to increase their suction of our life's work, they advanced science, which advanced technology, which advanced productivity, which is what increased their ability to extract greater wealth, and why they did so.

They have been such productive parasites on society since the advent of collective industry when agriculture arose, and as productivity has increased have increased their share of our productivity until they are today more powerful than ever before.

But decentralization of the means of production is the cutting edge of technological advance in every field of production today. Decentralized means of production eliminate parasitic losses, industrial waste due to mass production, and enable bespoke local production to provide better products tailored to the specific needs of consumers, and the marginal economies of scale and massive overhead endemic to centralization cannot compete.

Even as decentralized means of production can scale up, they can also, and more profitably, scale down. A household that provides it's own nutritious food also is certain to provide those foods it prefers, to eliminate biocides and toxic pollution of it's food supply, to recycle everything involved to the degree possible to avoid economic costs, and by adopting aquaponics also eliminates all the horrors of environmental degradation and habitat loss endemic to collective agriculture.

And it keeps all it's production for it's own consumption, paying no cut to overlords as profits to capitalists, no cut to middlemen for shipping or packaging, and no taxes on such production it consumes itself. There are far more benefits of aquaponics, and uses to which it could be put, but I intend to leave a comment shorter than the OP.

This is but one example of decentralization, and every decentralized industry is equally as beneficial to it's producers. The law of physics mandates what technology is possible, and cannot be bribed, bamboozled, or blackmailed. Since decentralization is potential to all production, and the producers can more than double their profit by eliminating the parasitic losses endemic to centralized production, all while vastly improving their enjoyment of their employment and their consumption of their products, and do that while simultaneously increasing their freedom - because independent means is the best definition of wealth, and also freedom - once people observe that adopting decentralized means of production avail them these benefits, they will no longer find it more useful to simply observe, but will be prompted to act.

There will come a tipping point at which the flow of our lifesblood into the parasitic blood funnels of the vampires that have no other source of wealth than our production no longer enables them to outvote us economically, and eventually we will eschew centralized production altogether, and there will no longer be any parasites.

Observation is only the first step to transforming the misery of Samsara into the coming paradise. It is necessary to act on what is learned through observation for it to be of any benefit, to have any meaning. Action is the proper course of philosophy, and by our hands we will create the paradise to come.

