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RE: Supporter Video | news roundup

in Deep Dives6 months ago

That >140k% is an astounding increase in cancer. Utterly flabbergasting. How has this been kept from view for so long? That means for every person that had cancer before the jabs, there are now more than 140k with cancer. The media are almost as vile as pharmaceutical companies and their sales reps, which we usually call doctors. Of course, neither hold a candle to the banksters and their minions infiltrated into government that have led this charge of the light brigade, but I wouldn't want to have a beer with any of them.

My parents were married, so I have to watch the company I keep.

It seems there's a full court press from the spooks running the show to push Trump, Kennedy, and Gabbard into government. It's hard to imagine a more listless and uninspiring opposition than the Democratic offering. The official Democratic offering, that is, because Trump, Kennedy, and Gabbard are all lifelong Democrats just slapping a new label on themselves instead of changing the Democratic Party with their influence. Sorta like guys that want to beat up women claiming to be women so they can do so in the Olympics.

One of the reasons them shining this turd concerns me is something Trump said about a month ago. He told Christians they only had to vote for him this one time, and after that they wouldn't have to do it again.

I know Trump sure didn't solve all the problems of the world in 4 years last time, and I do not find the claim he will solve all problems in the next four years remotely credible. Now, that may be what he said he meant, but little else could ring so hollow, so I am left to wonder what actual, real reason could be behind the threat of no more elections for President of the USA ever again? There aren't any good reasons I can think of Trump might have actually meant. The spooks engineering this shift of the Overton window so far to the left that there isn't an actual Republican Party anymore, just trans-republicans, signals catastrophic change. I don't think this coming reset is going to be great at all. I think it's going to be awful. It's happened too fast, just since 2011 or so with the introduction of identity politics to destroy the Occupy Wall Street movement from within. What seemed like a head fake has become the core of the policies of banksters to conquer Earth. This covert goal rivets the principals and the bedeviled details escape their notice, heralding severe disruption of humanities felicity, as planned, as well as the schemes of the plotters, which will gang aglay.

This will leave us cracks to slip through big enough for diesel trucks, from outfits like Edison Motors that lead the way, manufacturing with off the shelf, commonly available parts that can be repaired and maintained for decades, countering the planned obsolescence, proprietary code, and rent instead of own centralized scheme that is being pushed into Louis Rossmann's protesting face. Food is going to be a primary weapon that will cause folks that can't make their own to capitulate just so they won't starve on too little Soylent Green. Get a pressure cooker, some jars, and learn to can. Gold is soaring to ATH's, but in a few years clean, nutritious beans and rice may be more valuable by the kilo.

You mention tension. Yesterday I pressure washed the roof of a large house infested with moss. It was a 6/12 pitch, too steep to work on without a harness. I got most of it done before the wand of the pressure washer slid off the roof and broke, leaving me only the homeowners commercial pressure washer wand used for washing tools and equipment on the ground. The hose weighed about 20 kilos or more at the peak, and this created so much drag I was continually sliding off the roof, except that I pulled on the line attached to the harness. The rest of the job I was either seated on the roof and the line, at the end of the line with the harness taking the weight, or holding the line with my left hand while I wielded the pressure wand with my right. After a couple hours of this the skin on my left hand was raw, debrided by the rough rope.

That's what the tension feels like across the West to me today. If that lifeline snaps, we'll plunge off the edge of the roof to the masonry two floors down. The faith of the plebs in Trump and controlled opposition Democrats flocking to that faux cause is that rough rope, and is the only thing keeping us from plunging into tyranny and war across the globe.

And I have no faith in Trump. I had a lot more faith in that old, worn poly line, TBH. In the certain event of betrayal by Trump and the lying political scum that are creating this new political reality in which there are only schisms between leftists, and no actual conservatives, the betrayed are going to be left with nothing to trust but ourselves, time honored traditions, and the teachings of our forefathers. That movement to dependable products, honest pay for honest work, forthright speech and debate on matters folks handle locally themselves will be opposed by overlords trying to force everyone to fit into global molds, to have no say, to make nothing and have nothing, to live and die at their whim, and die sooner than later.

Lying globalists enslaving us all just doesn't compete with truth, justice, and the American way, and they're not going to stand in our way for long. History is replete with examples of tyrants and tyranny that crushed their subjects, seeming to be impossible to rein in, until their reigns ended at the end of a rope. Every tyranny in history has been destroyed, without exception. The conceit of narcissists is never ending, but they have a track record of failure 100% of the time.

Offered a choice between life and death, we will choose life, and we outnumber our oppressors 1M:1. The way is open. Prepare the way.



About the 140,000% - I only had the video, so could not find the doc she is talking about - but I will say, if it is true - then it would not surprise me at all. I know so many people with cancer now, in real life - I think for most people, that would change, because of the batches - certain batches being bad, certain batches being most likely salt water - I cite this in my last video - but yeah, this is the real elephant in the room - it is there, and its getting bigger - no health system will be able to coupe. The silence is deafening.

About Occupy Wall-street - I seen that in real time, and I went to the one they had in New Zealand, as a matter of fact. I heard from word of mouth that certain entities went and were telling people with drug problems to go down there, and that they were told if they do, they would not be arrested. Of course this tactic is not new, but it was very successful - same tactic used at the anti vaccine mandate protests in Wellington. The general populations at these protests - are not aware of this. Some are of course.

About economic collapse - that is it alright, you need to really plan for that these days. That is why I full solar array on my house bus, its completely independent - my food stores are low out there though, mostly because of money. But hopefully in time. My plan was a years worth of food - so that was my plan. I had that at my apartment, years ago, but I have eaten through it -


I went a little overboard storing food. I'm still eating stuff I stocked up on, and still have more than 20 kilos of rice and canned goods I can't even get into cupboards. I'm finally down to less than a gallon of blackberry jam I made, but I'm going to make more jams and jellies this year, making pint jars this time and adding some variety, raspberries, blueberries, and salal. It's a good thing I like blackberry jam as much as I do, because most people would have gotten tired of it by now. It's hunting season now, and I'm looking to add some red meat to my canned goods, because I did get tired of tuna even though I canned that myself too.

Better too much than too little though, so I'm not complaining. Pests did get some of what I stored. A bear ate ~18 pounds of coffee I had stashed in one of my bug out hidey holes. I still laugh when I think of that cranked out bear buzzing around the woods all amped up on caffeine.

haha, yeah, that bear was probably a bit buzzed alright! I probably get like that from just one cup, i dont react well to coffee anymore - used to drink it all the time. That sounds like you are ready with that amount of stores!