I liked the ghost of Uncle Ted in the background of the guy with the datamonster LG washer. An ominous hint.
You're sure right about NZ and the demise of their tourist industry, and keeping Candace Owens from speaking there sure doesn't entice me to come visit. She's a ways off to the left from me, LOL. $8 for a pie? I just spent ~$6 US for a can of cherry pie filling. $8 bucks sounds like a bargain to me. Regarding $2/hour, I have worked for $2.50/hour in the USA, where that doesn't go far. When you have kids to feed, you take any honest work that pays something.
Thank God love of money forced Goode to confess his tall tales were nothing more than entertainment. Perhaps folks that polished that turd will hold a little tighter on their wallets. The SAA has no dog in the fight against Graham Hancock. He never claimed to represent them, and they only represent their membership, not archaeology. There are plenty of archaeologists that more agree with Hancock than the SAA.
Probably should point out the size of the pie I mean, meat pies here in new zealand - the base of it, are about the size of the inside - of your palm, like four inches - so not that large really. And that is about 8 dollars - pies in the states, that I saw, were much much larger, like deep dish or whatever. About Corey - i just can't believe people are still showing up to his tent and buying tickets, but i guess they either don't know or don't care. About the SAA, that's true - GH never did say he represented them - he is doing his own thing, as he should, because all they have done is attack him for decades.
Ah! Meat pies of the size you discuss are not what I was thinking of. Pot pies we call them here, and I do recall they are significantly less than $8, although the better brands may approach that today. They used to be a buck a pop, but that was a long, long time ago.