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RE: UnitedHelthCare chief was being "investigated" by the DOJ #BrianThompson

in Deep Dives2 months ago

The $10k reward is pretty low. This suggests potential motivation, however tenuous.

Regarding Google having privileged information, the phones and Android operating system are widely understood to surveil and provide all audio, video, texts, and phone calls available to the devices to Google. Given the ubiquity of phones, it would be difficult to operate a stock corporation without enabling recipients of such surveillance data to better understand your business and prospects than corporate officers, particularly since Google will have the same level of surveillance data on relevant market players, and especially your competition.




I think if you look at the cameras, its the same - its always low res footage at low frame rates - look at the DNC pipe bomber - it was 1 frame a second or something - you can tell alot about how something is covered.

About phones, its sliced up in ever direction alright - its like selling a block of cheese a million times - everyone has the information - predictive data is out there, that can make strong predictions on direction of markets etc., and everything. I hate phones. I did not mind the old ones with the green screens, those small ones, but modern day cellphones are the worst.