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RE: news roundup

in Deep Dives2 months ago

The guy listing reasons the Democrats caused the fires is right. Yellow dog Democrats are going to seethe and disagree, whether they can figure out any reasons to or not. But the biggest reason for the fires is the arson the illegal immigrant mercenaries were paid by Soros to commit. The multiple arsonists caught in the act offer support for my theory, sadly. Just need to prove they were paid to do it by Soros now. Let's see their bank records.

That's a great point about Mayor Bass. She's just performing, like a trained seal. She has no political goal. She just reads her lines. She has personal goals to get through her public appearances without causing incidents that failing to read the lines given her would cause. She's not there thinking quickly and vetting the lines she's fed.

Jimmy Dore is an incisive, acerbic thinker, as comedians need to be. I'm a fan.

That pic of the LGBTBBQ fire hydrant is hilarious. The water shortage remains unquantified, and I don't know how much it contributed to the spread of the fire, but that there was any shortage of water at all is criminal. LA is right on the ocean, and had there been some investment in pumps and pipes to get salt water to fires there would have been no shortage. That precious supply of potable water available to LA doesn't need to be spent fighting fire, because they have sufficient non-potable water that can be spent for that purpose with investment in the infrastructure to get it to hydrants across the city.

The $24B proposal to resolve homelessness doesn't really need to cost that much. These homeless are willing to live on the streets as long as they have some drugs. All that would really be necessary is a couple cheap residential hotels and a supply of free fentanyl, cocaine, and crack that the residents could have as much of as they wanted. Every night when the prior population of previously homeless tenants were being removed to the morgue, make sure the incoming tenants saw them being carted out on the gurneys. Maybe you'd fill a hotel or two before running out of homeless, but that would cost a lot less than $24B, and those survivors would be cured of their drug addiction.

You pointed out you'd 'reduce their dosage over time.' Do you mean for those that wanted to quit, or mandatory prohibiting drug use? Because mandatory prohibition doesn't work. As soon as they escape they go get some drugs - and don't come back to the prohibition hotel. Also, if the rooms came with mandatory prohibition, a significant population wouldn't move in at all. They're on the streets mostly because of that to begin with. Their moms or husbands wouldn't put up with the drug use anymore, so they're on the street with the drugs, instead of home with the moms or husbands. That's why I'd offer them unlimited drugs of their choice on demand. All the rooms offered would be full all the time, because it wouldn't take long to haul out the OD'd corpses and hand their keys to new tenants.

The helicopter thing gave me another idea to solve homelessness too. People, even drug addicted homeless people, are mostly made of water. Take the new helicopters and drop the homeless on the fires. You'd kill two birds with one stone! Maybe the helicopter maintenance school could train all the illegal doctors and engineers Biden imported into the country, since they all need gainful employment to assimilate. If they drop out, or fail their classes, drop them on the fire! A fuera! Now you're solving three problems with on $24B stone. Democrats voting? A fuera! Diddys partying? A fuera! Pretty soon we'd have a nice 1950's style high trust society again - and no danger of fires, along with a growing population of California Condors, helping to solve the endangered species problem.

Building houses out of clay is a great idea. Then you'd have a ceramic house if there was a fire, because it would fire your clay like a kiln, making your house better after a fire than it was before the fire. A fuera! Also, I bet I could make trees grow into structures, so you could build houses from living trees with that strong bark covering that's clearly better at fire prevention than the stucco LA is famous for.



the homeless are 75 percent water lol, that is true! You could could use them as a wall, against wild fires - in the future, they can call it the human wall. That way, if the wildfire passes the human wall on the news, it means the are less homeless at the same time -

That 24b, really is a classic really - i have never in my life heard many figures like that that had nothing to show for them. With that much money - you could literary just buy the drug cartels and have them working for the homeless population, and problem solved! in fact - or, maybe better yet - just move them to Tailand for example, 50,000 USD would set you up for a lifetime as a king or queen -

The other good thing about ceramic houses is they are heat resistant - this of course, might be a problem if you are trying to launder massive amounts of moneys through issuance companies. I am sure something like that is happening.


figures like that that had nothing to show for them.

Have you heard of Value Plan? Shelled out over $1M in 2024 to 'market Hive' and AFAIK hasn't gained one new user. Kinda like Commiefornia solving homelessness, if at a different scale.

No, I never heard of that at all - I'll have to read about it. But it seems that certain style-guide is everywhere now - 1 million is a lot of money -