The TrialSite article... written by .... never mind, less of the point.
OK. Absolutely. COVID presents and causes PAH, research is showing that it definitely attacks the vascular system. No questions about that. However, if you actually read the study, done by bonafide's 👍, not once did they discuss the use of mRNA vaccines nor did it show that the spike proteins in the vaccines cause issues. It did however show that Pseu-Spike protein will cause lung damage and vascular dilation in Syrian Hamsters when injected into the airway. So, don't get COVID. Get the vaccine instead.
conclusion suggests that vaccination-generated antibody and/or exogenous antibody against S protein not only protects the host from SARS-CoV-2 infectivity but also inhibits S protein-imposed endothelial injury.
No evidence spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are toxic proof for researcher claim that COVID-19 vaccines’ spike protein is a ‘toxin’
The CDC has declared it an investigational drug from a regulatory perspective under the Emergency use authorization. This is done during a crisis as a way to get life-saving vaccines to the public while the red tape is sorted out.
- COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental and they have not skipped trial stages
Here's a good article for reference on the difference between EUA and full approval. I mean you link right to several good posts from the FDA that explain it too. Not sure where the confusion is.