Come on... Any sort of anxiety can cause people to experience vasovagal syncope and pass out from any trigger, needles are often good triggers - that's why they ask you if you pass out with needles. Lots of people do. There are known side effects such as passing out after getting ANY injection.
The insanity is this type of hyperbole propagated and hyped. Nobody? Everybody just gobbling it up, nodding heads all around.
I heard it was actually because he came too close to a 5G tower after getting the shot. The signal overloaded his brain causing him to pass out.
Come on... anyone experiencing vasovagal syncope at the site of blood or a syringe is going to pass out soon after that trigger occurs. You're going to overreact to a trigger when it happens, not long after the event is gone. That's why people faint at the site of blood when they see it, not dozens of minutes later. "Oh that blood I saw from 30 minutes ago really got to me now 30 minutes later and I passed out"... lmao.
Seems like the most logical explanation - you are reaching if you are attempting to link it to being the COVID shot specifically. This can occur with any injection and you have zero timelines. He probably got the shot, didn't wait and just drove off. Simple syncope, it happens and thankfully no one was injured.