Experts Tell FDA Vaxx Doesn't Outweigh Risks, Will You 'Trust the Experts' Now?

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

During a virtual FDA meeting in mid-June, they were discussing the issue of granting an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for children under 12. Sure, why not, they are so at risk with the lowest IFR of 0.002%. Clearly they need it.

They want more data on the vaccine and children, so they gotta jab them to get that data. But not so fast. Several experts spoke out against this genius plan.

Members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) weren't asked to vote or give advice, but they did, saying there is a risk to rush into vaccinating children who are at such low risk. They want to get an EUA for children under 12.

During an open public hearing session, Peter Doshi, Ph,D, associate professor University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and senior editor of The BMJ, said there is no emergency that would warrant using EUA to authorize COVID vaccines for children. The harms outweighed the benefits and those who had the placebo were “better off” than those who received the vaccine.

Recall those number about how great the vaxx was for teens?

the reported 100% efficacy in Pfizer’s trial was based on 16 COVID cases in the placebo group versus none in the fully vaccinated group. But there were about 1,000 placebo recipients so just 2% got COVID. Put another way, 2% of the fully vaccinated avoided COVID, whereas 98% of the vaccinated wouldn’t have gotten COVID anyway.

Three in 4 kids had fatigue and headaches, around half had chills and muscle pain, around 1 in 4 to 5 had fever and joint pain. The list goes on. In sum, all the fully vaccinated 12- to 15-year-olds avoided symptomatic COVID but most wouldn’t have gotten COVID even without the vaccine. So, the benefit is small but it came at the price of side effects that were mild to moderate in severity and lasted a few days.

Another expert, Kim Witczak, an FDA consumer representative, expressed great concerns over the premature approval of COVID vaccines for children.

"The truth is we don’t really know that much about these vaccines,” Witczak said. “The ‘safe and effective’ messaging is being thrown around by everyone from government officials to media, community, religious leaders, to Hollywood celebrities. Then you add in all the promotions like multimillion dollar lotteries, free donuts, free shots at the local bar and so on. This subconsciously creates the illusion that there are no downsides whatsoever, nothing to weigh or consider.”

But we can't let the data get in the way of pushing an poorly tested and clearly unsafe experimental injection onto children under 12. Profits need to be made. And the public will just accept it since they believe in the threat that was trumped up and sold to them to generate compliance to almost anything the government wants.


Why vaccinate children when their risk of contagion is low?, it seems to me that it is more for experimentation.

Yes, it's bonkers. Making people take it is part of the experiment it seems...

I totally agree, I also think that there are people who don't mind experimenting with their bodies.