Study Shows Heart Inflammation Developed in Teens After 2nd Pfizer Shot

in Deep Dives3 years ago

A rare type of heart muscle inflammation, called myocarditis and pericarditis, was detected in seven boys aged 14 to 19 in the US. They were all signed, but within four days of receiving their second dose of the Pfizer shot against covid-19, they all developed chest pain and heart inflammation.


These are the finding of the study published in Pediatrics.

In efforts to try to determine if it was the experimental injection or the blame-all covid they could point to for these conditions, doctors looked to see if they had a previous infection or pre-existing conditions. Only one of them had a possible previous Covid infection. But it was determined that none of them had the rare inflammatory condition due to Covid or from pre-existing conditions. Of course the only link they could have with the possible previous infection is a PCR antibody test, which could turn a positive for another coronavirus or be a false positive for some other reason.

This means there is nothing else that can be pointed to as the cause, is looking like experimental injection is the cause. But they don't want to say that's because because vaccines are holy and thou shalt not defame the holy vaccine.

“I think we’re in the waiting period where we need to see whether this is cause-and-effect or not,” said John Grabenstein of the Immunization Action Coalition, a former director of the U.S. Department of Defense’s immunization program.

But still, they will go so far as to say there is a strong connection between getting a 2nd shot and getting these rare illnesses:

“There is a likelihood of a connection between receiving a second dose of vaccine and the onset of myocarditis in young men aged 16-30,” the group of experts concluded. “The connection is stronger in young people aged 16-19 compared to other ages and it decreases as age increases.”


And this experimental vaccine never should have been released to the public or had the massive media propaganda blaring to the masses to get your shots to get vaccinated.

Now we have a bigger issue with Community health.

The more we look into this the more we are seeing massive amounts of issues with this vaccine and with the fact that it was biologically engineered from a biologically engineered supervirus.

We haven't been able to figure out a vaccine for the common cold however we figured this covid thing out in world record time...

Well let's look at the American film industry and movie outbreak we find out at the end there happens to be a huge amount of vaccine as well as massive amounts of prior research on the superbugs.

And we know it's biologically engineered from a lab because it originated at fort detrick and was transferred to the University of North Carolina.

If we look at the HPV virus vaccine which has personally affected in individual in my life. My friend's son got this vaccine and soon afterwards went from a highly functioning individual it was perfectly normal to an autistic mentally damaged human being after getting it. On top of this my friend then had to go fight the entire secret vaccine court system for damages because her son's life was completely destroyed.

My friend has since went on a mission to become an amazing healthcare provider and to further educate herself to help individuals get the correct information.

Vaccine science is extremely new and fraught with a lot of perils.

However gain of function research needs to be on the same level of evil as genocide.

And then coming out with the vaccine that does nothing other than harms individuals health when the survival rate is 99.6.....

Oh and by the way later this week we get to find out if aliens are real.

1986, the year of the act that fucked over Americans by giving vaxx manufacturers immunity from being liable for damages from their own products. Amazing scam.

That kind of knowledge needs reward here is a vote for some amazing knowledge bombs being dropped.

Thank you and absolutely fire comment!

Hide your kids, hide your wife!
Seriously, these treatments are all risk and no benefit for young people. I hope this news continues to spread.
Thanks for the post.

Yes, but people won't believe reality until it smacks them in the face...

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blood clots?

That's not the only issue.

What do you think about magnetofection and spions?