Excellent post thank you very much for your share. Yeah, that beginning of your post really meant a lot to me. It's exactly the direction that this world is moving on to. This pandemic has of course changed my life just as it has changed billions of others lives around the world.
Sure, I do believe the virus is real.
I know 19 people who have had the virus (I myself have not gotten it (yet))
Of those 19 people who I know who have had it, none of them were seriously ill. The explained it as "It really sucked & I was in bed all week"
Of those 19 people their age range was 32 - 61. They all were off work for 14 days. Within 5-7 days, they all recovered.
It's really scary what IS to be coming in our future. Because as you said in this post. A vaccine is only a temporary fix maybe just for the year of 2021. In 2022, the virus would have mutated & this whole pandemic would begin again.
There has never been a cure for the flu however, it's spread about the same way as coronavirus (insanitation & becoming in contact with other with the flu). There is a vaccine for the flu every year. Some people believe in getting it (I of which do not)
& if I do get it, I will only hope that my body is strong enough to fight back. That's what inspires me to be in good health, because a healthy body both physically & mentally fights off viruses & negativity in the world & makes peace with oneself.
Again, thank you for the post. I really hope to hear more perspectives like this, where people can speak their mind freely without censorship from media, social media, or government.
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