Absolute greed corrupts absolutely. "Amazing Polly" on bitchute had a great overview of what is happening in Canada. There's always a chance.
It's amazing to see how many people are now aware of the multi-faceted deception. It sure feels like everything is a lie right now. And maybe that is also part of the plan. We just need to turn off that talking box and stop supporting big business. Next? Look for corruption locally. Heck, run for office. Anyone who voted for mandates needs to be removed. Any business that is taking away free speech should be removed. (Dream big, that's what I say!)
I agree but hard not supporting big business when they got everything you need and get it to you the next day.
I know. But we must TRY to whenever and wherever we can. And if we need less from them....we need them less. :-)
You are right