Blue pill, red pill, black pill

in Deep Dives4 years ago

We all know the analogy of the "blue pill" and the "red pill" (from The Matrix) but not everyone is aware of the "black pill" and so I want to go through this spectrum of thought patterns and give some dire warnings to not get too blue or too black.


Obviously, most people have chosen the blue pill and have an overly trusting relationship with authoritarian figures, corporations and think tanks. Here are some examples of that:

  1. Many people believe, to their chagrin, that the medical establishment and our "health experts", excuse me while I dryheave, have their best interests in mind and know how to keep people healthy. Now, for anyone that has taken the red pill in this department (i.e. ME) we know that nothing could be further from the truth. These health authorities, namely the FDA, AMA, CDC, WHO and friends, are as corrupt as corrupt can be. They are all in bed with pharmaceutical companies that have business models that are predicated on profits instead of health. The deeper you look, the worse it gets. One look at the current coronavirus plandemic / scamdemic / hoax proves this from every possible angle. Vaccine producers stand to make tons of money, like usual, and are salivating at the thought of a mandatory vaccine. Nothing like mandating your product on the whole world, eh?

The same companies making these vaccines are the same companies that are making literally hundreds of billions of dollars by keeping people dependent on drugs, all the while silencing natural health practitioners or as they call them "pseudo scientists". Anything natural is pseudoscience, while anything artificial and drug based (i.e. patentable) is the gospel. Its the old inversion method of indoctrination. Completely invert the argument so that natural remedies don't work and therefore don't make money and then sell your product by the billions.

  1. Politics. We have the 'ole left / right dichotomy at play. Divide and rule. If my (insert pre-selected "leader) gets in office, everything will get better! Yay! Obviously a lie to anyone red-pilled, but still so many cling to this archaic notion...that elections matter more than they do, that the sheeple have a choice, that we should depend on "our leaders" for guidance.

Funny. I didn't choose anyone to be my "leader". We don't need "leaders" in government we need the government to be scrapped by at least 90%, mostly gutted, and a great number of these politicians are known war criminals, rapists, pedophiles and even satanists...yet so many seem to put this in the back of their mind and trod to voting booths to cast another vote for another criminal.

  1. NGOs. Non Government Organizations. The red-pilled will be aware of the usual suspects here: the various foundations, the Bill / Melinda Gates foundation, the Clinton foundation, the Rockefeller foundation. Also we have the WHO and the WTO, all un-elected, all operating without any oversight, all corrupt, money-laundering organizations that just chip away at sovereignty.

Look at the World Economic Forum for example. This kind-hearted organization, again totally unelected with no oversight, ran by the who's who of internation terrorists, billionaires and eugenicists. And this is the group that has taken it upon itself to develop the Great Reset for all of humanity.

Gee. Thanks guys. Its like having someone come over to your Nintendo while you're 3/4 through a video game and just saying "time for the reset!" and hitting the button without asking.

We, as in most people, never asked nor want this shady group of criminals to reset anything. They just do it. That's how the power structures operate in this world. They don't ask, they just do.

Rules for thee, not for me.

The Awakening

Ok, so we start to realize that the entire world is literally one giant scam in a sense. We unplug from the matrix, momentarily at least, take a step back and see the big picture. Much of what we know is simply not true, but we have taken it to be so because, well, we were all indoctrinated by a shoddy public education system created by none other than the infamous Rockefeller Foundation, again the non-elected NGO that most people probably don't even know exists.

Its good to be red pilled. Its very freeing and liberating. You see the world for what it is, at least on a global geo-political level. Ok, so everything we thought we knew was a lie concocted by psychopaths. What now?

We learn to think for ourselves. We become empowered. We develop our own thoughts, and then we learn that this is very frowned upon by mainstream society. Its created that way on purpose. Free-thinking is not a virtue to power structures. They don't want us to take a peek behind the curtain of control. So, just like in The Matrix, an auto-bot flies over, scans us, then cuts the cord and sends us into the sewer of knowledge.

Now, we have to recreate reality to our own views. Start from square one. Another type of reset. This time its a mental reset.

So we learn to create our own reality, to bring individual greatness to society in hopes of waking up other people. Only there's a problem:

"Most people are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to defend it."

The zombie hoards encroach. The sheeple circle the wagons. Online censorship ensues, alienation, people call you crazy. Relationships are severed, the burden of truth is thrust upon our shoulders. Now we have to lug around this giant ball and chain known as "independent thought" and escape the zombie apocalypse.

This can be done. But if you're not careful...if you dive too deep into the rabbit hole, you can become...

Black pilled

Black pilled means that you develop a view of the world that is overly negative. There are so many strange and insidious things going on behind the scenes.

Satanic cults. Mass pedophilia on a global scale. Demonic entities; reptilians even. Archons. Nephilim. Annunaki. Government programs hidden from the public. MK-Ultra. Mind control. Social engineering. Mass vaccination programs. Rewritten history. False history.

It begins to look impossible to overcome. We develop insane amounts of information, 90% of which the average person has no clue even exists. We try to explain it to the layman. We are ridiculed, insulted, ostracized. It begins to look very bleak. We may even turn to hermits, thrusting a middle finger up to humanity and just retreating inward, becoming antisocial pessimists.

The Middle Path

From this spectrum it is clear that we should stay in the "red pill" area. Too much information, research and inquiry into the behind the scenes happenings leads to the black pill. Doom and gloom.

On the other side, it is much better to know the enemy better than you know yourself (Sun Tzu) so the blue pill is no longer an option. Once you swallow that red one, there's no going back. You can't just unlearn what you learned.

So you decide to take the middle path. The path of the warrior. Going forward, knowing that you're going to be a minority, even an outcast at times, for the rest of your life on this planet (or plane, or whatever you believe, it doesn't matter).

Its easy to disappear from society and retreat into your own mind. This leads to its own set of problems. Too much thinking, studying, learning, acquiring of knowledge, but not enough action and that is more important. Accessing esoteric knowledge is great, but if it is not put to use it will go with you to the grave and that is the gravest of sins. Too many dreams lie in the graveyard.

So I hope this just gives hope to those that have transcended the matrix, thrown aside the blue pill, swallowed the red, and are drifting into the black. Don't let the negativity get to you. Its there to do just that. The mask wearing, the ridiculous social distancing guidelines, the incoming genetically modifying vaccines. It can quickly become a bleak outlook. But there is positivity in all of this. This is a time to work on one's self. Take care of yourself first, then you can bring change to the world; positive change.



Wise words friend.