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RE: Big Tech, Coronavirus, and the AI Conspiracy

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Here in Denver, I am so glad that I saw this coming a long, long time ago...although I admit I never saw a fake virus as the tool to destroy humanity, I am definitely less than prepared for this but am well on my way to remedying the situation (stocking shit loads of non-perishable foods, clean water) and preparing to move into the mountains and out of the city...hopefully before its too late. Denver is of course now a left leaning city and as you pointed out it is completely destroyed. Half the commercial spaces are now empty, downtown is nothing but a tent town with mask-wearing hipsters roaming the streets oblivious to what’s going on...

I hope I can fit in the prepping window and get out into the rural areas before the mandatory vaccine punches through...just give me some land where I can grow my own food and become self sufficient and I’ll be home least for now...


I lived there in 85-86, it was a pretty whacked out place then. My girlfriend was a shrink, that made it even worse. When the SHTF for real, cities will be a bad place to be unless you're well armed and organized. I live in Arkansas, we haven't seen any of the craziness yet. I started stocking about 5 years ago and we have enough food and water for at least 5 years, thousands of rounds of ammo. We have a "neighborhood watch" a group of neighbors (around 15) that we can trust. It's time to organize, we're running out of time.