Yeah the Osho stuff is weird. I really like him on Youtube its hard to believe he was behind that whole cult...must be more to the story than I've heard. When I found out they were the same person I found myself wondering why he's not in prison lol.
I'm a big David Icke fan and he has been talking about all of this stuff for so long, and is continually proven right. I think, but will never really be able to prove and don't care to spend my life trying to do so, at the top of this pyramid of power, above all the politicians and secret societies, lies the real cause of all of this suffering and those are the interdimensional creatures...I'd advise reading Perception Deception by Icke...its pretty overwhelming though. But it goes into how all sorts of cultures all over the world point to these same "gods" and entities...literally all over the world the same thing from thousands of years ago. They've been around a long long time.
I sense that this is the Apocalypse spoken of in the Bible, although the true meaning "lifting of the veil"...we're collectively being ripped in real time through a massive transformation. But I also sense a sense of urgency from these controlling powers, they're trying to do too many things at once, force it through so to speak. It sort of wreaks of desperation and fear on their part, like they feel they have to do it now or else they're done for.
I sort of find it all interesting now. Annoying, yes. But like you I'm a introvert by nature and now is the time to do the inner work and prepare for the next few years which are going to be rough.
As for the cult recruitment we can't really control what other people choose to do. Many will willingly join (I have a few family members in that group) and I don't want to say they're a lost cause because that's sort of egotistical on my part, but we can help "wake up" other people.
The true goal for me is empowering other people, which leads to good things happening to me as well. And information, as weird or scary as it is, is a useful tool in this weird spiritual battle we find ourselves in.
Thanks for the response!