The world is is an insane asylum, and the lunatics have taken control of the wheel. There is so much going on right now behind the scenes that most people don't have a clue about, that it can be somewhat depressing to think about. So its good to take breaks like I did (plus I have other business ventures).
One of the hardest things, still, somehow, is getting through to the normies. We could do so much if a small percentage of them would just wake the fuck up at least to the point where they questioned world events. We don't need everyone sounding the alarm. We basically just need a bunch of people launching hissy fits at the stupidity in person whenever possible, to basically annoy the middlemen to the point where they themselves recall ridiculous measures.
Before launching into this article, here is an example I have used many times in person illustrating what I just said. I would consider it the perfect place to launch a counter interference operation. The hellhole and perfect example of stupidity in the current age:
The airport.
No place grinds my gears quite like it. Treated like a terrorist from start to finish, groped, x-rayed, radiated, talked down to, cajoled, heckled and questioned by fat, stupid, lazy pieces of shit known as the TSA here in the U.S.
I give them shit when I can, but there is little use when its just me and everyone else plays "Mother-May-I" like a good little bitch.
I wear a lot of shit when I travel apparently. I've got a wallet chain, shoes, a belt, a silver necklace, headphones, change in pocket, along with cash, my phone, my laptop, my bag, and usually some sort of coat.
And it only gets worse by the day at this stupid fucking place. By the time I get to my plane I feel like I just got raped by a retarded monkey wearing a blue vest.
And the worst part is how nice they act and that's one of the points I'm going to hit on here today. When I bitch about this to my family they just shrug like its no big deal and give me the "its just their job" crap.
Get a new job them. I have no pity for people that partake in the control system. Get a new fucking job doing something that actually helps humanity. Go to McDonalds, clean the fucking sewers I don't care...just get the fuck out of my way to naturally travel the earth in piece.
You could throw in the DMV and other areas like this to the pile.
But what if...
What if one day everyone at the airport just said "Ya know what? Fuck yourself. We're not taking off our shoes. We're not being radiated and your sorry fucking ass isn't groping my crotch."
I guaranteee that if this happened several times, as in was orchestrated at a local level, the stupid TSA goblins would grow weary and, in lapses of confusion due to their natural IQ levels and physical capability, would wine to their superiors...who would probably just rip the whole fucking system out eventually to stop dealing with the grouchy customers. Nobody's bombing the go damned plane. Nobody gives a shit. If they wanted to they could just bomb the ticketing counter area...fully accessible to anyone without any security clearance whatsoever and full of people.
Now, granted that ALL and I mean ALL plane attacks including the "shoe bomber" were false flags and if you don't know that then I have swamp land for you to build a high rise in at penny's on the dollar, "they" would inevitably launch another false flag to get the stupidity readministered. But at LEAST we would have some sort of agreement that people are fed up with this stupid ass shit.
But I digress, on with the real article.
You can tell the enemy because they always seek to control in some way
I'm not a believer in the left/right red team / blue team bullshit in American politics but one thing I can say is that the Democrats are the WORST of the two because they're the ones that are constantly trying to fuck with ordinary people's lives. Its incessant.
They always mean well, and that's a problem in itself. Because motivated idiots can be a real hassle to deter. But they do mean well. They are generally good people. But...they also want to:
- take your guns, regardless of what lame ass excuse they give for it
- make you drive electric cars and inconvenience travel
- allow tons of illegal immigrants that inevitably end up fucking shit up
- berate you with LGQT bullshit at every conceivable turn, all while claiming that the "conservatives" are the ones obsessed with it
- Raise the minimum wage, totally ignorant of how economics and inflation works
And much much more!
The other week a family member attempted to educate me on how great his country was when everyone paid massively in taxes for the "good of humanity". Possibly the worst of them all!
They want to but into your life and steal your money...ok, so THEY won't steal your money, they don't have the sack to do that. But they will fetch the biggest criminal cartel in America, the United States Federal Government, to do their dirty work.
And best of all, if you don't like this and you're like me, openly telling the government to go fuck itself, YOU'RE the extremist!
You can spot the ringleaders...
The daily democrat shambling around town is a nuisance, but obviously not a real threat. Most of them are decent enough people, if you stick a strip of duct tape over your mouth before encountering them.
Its the technocratic new world order global cabal that's the real problem and oh you bet they want control. And that's how you can tell who the real enemy is.
See, I have a lot of ideas, and I despise a lot of other people's ideas. But one thing you will get from me is this: Undiluted, unadulterated freedom.
I hate the vaccines, but you can have em!
I hate the DMV, but by all means, YOU can go and pay them to drive!
You see what I'm getting at here.
Hopefully these next few ideas will give you ammo to convince a normie or two to join the side of freedom. You can't tell them about 9/11 and the covid shots and fake viruses and stuff like that. You'll lose them like a fish taking your bait but not the line.
How can you tell if they are "control freaks" when navigating the media and world events? Here's how:
They use emotional pandering to justify infringing on your freewill
You ever hear this one? Its a democrat FAVORITE talking point:
Common Sense Gun Control. Duh. Its common sense. What are you, stupid? You'd have to be not to let us take your pistol braces and bump stocks. What's that? You say I don't even know what these are? Well yeah, I mean, no, I don't...but they sound scary and it makes me tingly inside to know that I've taken another tool of gun owners off the shelves.
Common sense my ass. Democrats have none.
We need to stop the terrorists! Hey now, we need to strip you naked and radiate you and then have Harvey over here grope your nut sack and pat you down. No, its not that we are assuming you're a terrorist, its just that...
Leading into the coup de grat...
If it just saves one life its worth it Covid 19 scamdemic surmised from a strategic standpoint in one stupid, worthless, emotionally prodding sentence.
Wait, you don't want people to DIE do you?? Well then just wear a mask and let Pfizer make money...I mean let us lethally inject...I mean, take your vaccine to protect yourself and others! Because you're OBVIOUSLY not a scientist, you're far too stupid to be.
Its the responsible and right thing to do Thanks dad. I'm so glad the government and assorted criminal enterprises are here to explain to me how to be a good person! THAT'S why I need to just accept this unconstitutional taxation for which we fought the English for, because we need to protect everyone and pay for all those hideous windfarms and charging stations!
And the best one of all...
Its a matter of National Security
This is the go-to. When you're not being accused of being a disease carrying peasant full of viruses even though you appear perfect well, we also need to assume that you or someone around you is a terrorist. You know, the Patriot Act and what not.
What? You thought those box cutter wielding Jihadists were done with us? For fucks sake man, they could have letter openers by now, or even butter knives! How would our state of the art defense department and surveillance state ever take care of a rabble of hammer-wielding Muslims?
Or...since that was SOOOOO 2001....
The right wing extremists. Box cutters be its all those Trump supporters. They live in the country, away from the hellhole Democratic death camp cities...where they brood and plot and scheme and amass arsenals of assault weapons...didn't you see January 6th ATTACK?
Anyone that attempts to control you is never to be trusted. They can give ADVICE, they can even attempt to intimidate...none of that matters. Even threats mean nothing. But once there are MANDATES, LAWS or other forms of forced behavior change of ANY know that you are dealing with an enemy. It could be from a school, or the government, or even higher up in the echelons of power where the real shit happens...the WEF, Bilderberg, WHO, NATO, or the UN. And the only real way we the little people can fight it, is to create local communities that just flatly refuse to comply. More often than not in history this has proven useful. The controllers may talk a big talk but when confronted they generally flee like the cockroaches they are. And once others see that people like us have not complied and gotten away with it, more will join. This is one of the only ways I see moving forward to fight this tyranny.
I agree that non-compliance is the only way to punch holes in the cage being constructed around us but to get people to fight tyranny, you first have to convince them that this tyranny exists. It seems to me that to the average Joe normal service has been resumed and everything is hunky-Dorey, save perhaps for a pesky war on the other side of the world.
In my own country, Ireland, we're being flooded with 'refugees', the excess death rate is up to 40% in some counties and there's a hate speech bill going through parliament at the moment which will criminalise the possession of 'hateful' material even without intent to publish or distribute it, and still people talk about Love Island and imploding submarines.
I'm not optimistic.
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™
That quote, my friend @zydane. That's the path of freedom we need as individuals and thinking human beings.
Well said. Very well said. It seems to come down to this:
Who are the awake people?