The Inception of my Physics Blog 😎

in Physics • 6 months ago

I am Samuel Fiifi, a physics enthusiast, a passionate learner and an explorer of new perspectives. The journey of physics over the years has been one that has fascinated me, and to a point where I feel like a whole philosophy, or even a religion can be built from such field of knowledge.
At this point I am keen on sharing all I have been able to come across in this realm, take up discussions on mind-bending topics and being opened to learning more about what to expect in the future of physics. While I don't know everything, I am excited to connect with like-minded people and broaden my horizons.


During my time in High School, many students didn't like physics. I was saddened by that because how can you not like something that explains everything around you. I later realized that overcoming all the complex equations comes with the passion one has for the subject. In order to love what you do or learn, you must first appreciate it.

I plan to cover topics like mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity and quantum mechanics through this journey. Though I haven't settled on a specific field within physics, I'm confident I would find my footing in where I belong. Also, as a tech enthusiast, I love seeing the intersection of technology and physics in many fields today.


This is the start of a new journey and I'm optimistic about the growth and connections I'll make. Please subscribe and support my journey on this blockchain.