Hi this is my first post in this community.
I fell in love with AI generative art a year ago, when the first Colab notebooks came out.
Hola, este es mi primer post en esta comunidad.
Me enamoré del arte generativo de AI hace un año, cuando salieron los primeros cuadernos Colab.
Hoy en día el progreso es grande, las imágenes son increíbles y coherentes.
What is generative art
"Generative art refers to any artistic practice in which the artist uses a system, such as a set of natural language rules, a computer program, a machine, or other procedural invention, that is set in motion with some degree of autonomy, contributing to or resulting in a particular work of art" Philip Galanter.
¿Qué es el arte generativo?
"El arte generativo se refiere a cualquier práctica artística en la que el artista utiliza un sistema, como un conjunto de reglas de lenguaje natural, un programa informático, una máquina u otra invención procedimental, que se pone en marcha con cierto grado de autonomía, contribuyendo o dando lugar a una obra de arte concreta" Philip Galanter,
I like dark art that is aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time generates a sense of fear or curiosity. Collage art, fantasy, science fiction, etc.
Me gusta el arte oscuro que es estéticamente agradable, pero que al mismo tiempo genera una sensación de miedo o curiosidad. Arte de collage, fantasía, ciencia ficción, etc.
The images I present, were generated in Stable diffusion
Las imágenes que presento, fueron generadas en Stable Diffusion
Process - Proceso
The images were obtained Stable Diffusion Beta Discord bot
close - up portrait of the grim reaper in a scenic dystopian environment, intricate, elegant, highly detailed
add your favorite artistic references.
Añadir tus referencias artísticas favoritas.
Photoshop to clean the image - Photoshop para limpiar la imagen
Enlarge the image -Ampliar la imagen Real-ESRGAN
These are the original images.
Estas son las imágenes originales.
I hope you like them.
Espero que te gusten.
Thank you/Gracias
Discord Eve66#2595
Facebok Eveart
Translated with DeepL.com - @eve66
It moves away from Notebooks and towards Chat bots?
The Stabledifussion Bot in the Beta was amazing.
Too bad it's gone.
I use Colab notebooks now
hmmm - I've only used colab notebooks so far
I liked JAX, sad it's gone..
I also (think still have) access to some tries in midjourney
but Im actually like never online in chats..
I prefer the open source possibilities - but Im also very fucking broke, struggling to just survive so that might be understandable
They are gorgeous @eve66, so much better than my self-drawn art 🤗❤️💕❤️❤️🤗
Thank you @itsostylish
I still love traditional art, the human one, as it has the soul, life and heart of the artist.
AI art is beautiful and requires research of what you are looking for,
In AI Art I think what happens before, the process of looking for what you want, is the most interesting part, as it is trial and error.
Woh...this is very good!
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