I hear ya!
I'm still learning this and have to edit afterwards mostly. I'd love to see more of your process! ;)
Love back and I hope you're strong and calm in the storm! ❤️
I hear ya!
I'm still learning this and have to edit afterwards mostly. I'd love to see more of your process! ;)
Love back and I hope you're strong and calm in the storm! ❤️
Nice, no worries, I think its total cool to edit afterwards. This gives a personal touch. Like that. Mostly I do this too. Not always but often.
💕🙏🏼Thanks my sister went back home now... But I gave her a lot of energy and hopefully calmness. You are so kind that you think on that. I felt unusable in that time she was here, couldn't help her really. I was just there at her side. 😘🙏🏼💕 lets cross the fingers that all will be good again in this summer for her.
You know... maybe you want to make a video of you making one (screen recording).
It might be very interesting for people who don't know much about this to see how it works?
Yes. It's difficult. Feeling powerless...
But we are, really. We must learn to let go and hope. I hope the same for both of you ❤️
Hm, I will make a detailed post maybe on Tuesday for the split art contest. To show how many tryings it took to get a basic ai image and how it looked before and after my edits. To make a video cut take hours to cut and edit it. This is the only reason why I don't make a vid til now but its a good idea. Hopefully I will find time to make a instruction.
Normally its all about the prompt text you use.
For example, I write mostly something like:
/imagine: detailed cyberpunk comic style, red purple colors, alice in wonderland standing and looking up to the flying Cheshire cat.
As more detailed you explain you vision of your imagination as more detailed the ai create it for you 💕🙏🏼✨
Well I will wait for that post!
Have you tried YouCuts? Easy to use on mobile and it's very powerful and fast!
Olaaaaa, ah this video cutting app right? Yup, use it if I have to work mobile on my vids. Its a super cool app. Can recommend it toooooo. 👍🏼💕🙏🏼✨💃🤗😘✨ I use it not soooo often but when I never be disappointed.