
It is! It's quite shocking how good these upscalers work isn't it? :o

Yep. With no resolution loose.

Yep, only some texture loss, but for the most part its not too bad; or do you disagree?

Didn't notice that... Not bad at all.
I imagine that soon we will have this kind upscale even for movies. Today is good but not that good.

100%, especially if you look at stable diffusion - it is quite mental; pretty soon we can have amazing AI integration

Couple of days ago i was wondering about it. We already have a much immersive experience in games, imagining IA, nft, metaverse and more. Exciting and worry me that is from outside generation. Good?! Evolution?! Bad?!

I think good but also bad, it allows us to go faster, deeper which is good? Or do you think its bad? I mean imagine if we could use AI at somepoint to generate models, animations and textures. We could make amazing AAA quality games, without getting disappointed in studios too much..