Since I'm lacking the ability to write weekly posts, I figured writing about random things whenever I feel like it will be more achievable, lol. I'm in a low mood for the last couple of weeks. It probably has to do with me being hospitalized and working on my mental health. I find it hard being away from home and @rubencress. And on top of that, Fall has set in, which never really helps to brighten up my mood.
I've been advised to write down my thoughts multiple times, but it feels like there's some kind of force that keeps me from doing so. I'm not really sure why. Maybe I'm uncomfortable doing so because there never really was room for them in the past, or maybe I'm afraid of what I will write down. Or maybe I don't need to overthink everything... Anyway, this afternoon, after a sweet little breakdown, I gave it a try. Which left me with a five paged essay. I'm very aware of my 'busy' head and my many thoughts. I kind of got used to it. But writing all of this down felt like a dam breaking and I could hardly stop writing. I guess that's what I needed.
I'm kind of proud that I've managed to put my mind to it, even though I didn't feel like it at all. It went together with a lot of tears though, but I did feel calmer afterward. I think I have to keep on reminding myself that I'm capable and that I can do hard things. Especially when all seems very dark and impossible. I hope this can be your little reminder as well:)
Lots of love,

Writing has brought me so much healing through the years, well done for doing it and releasing all of the things that were occupying your mind. It's really all about release, the more we hold onto the heavy we become and it literally drags us down.
Writing every morning, no matter what comes to mind is a wonderful way to start your day.
Be gentle with yourself, healing is an exhausting journey, but you can do it and you so deserve to be happy. xxxx
Thank you for the encouraging words <3 I've noticed that my own mind is the one that's keeping me from doing the things that are going to make me feel better. Almost like I'm fooling myself... Maybe I need to be less stubborn and try to do it more often, not only when I'm 'in need'.
Five paged essay is remarkable! Kudos on that. I also want to encourage you to still keep on writing your thoughts and not be hard on yourself at times.
One of my favorite quotes is 'Paper has more patience than people' -Anne Frank this has saved me multiple times each time that I have some doubts about wether I will write something or just load out my stressors on a piece of paper.
Aww thank you @tpkidkai, I guess there just was a lot on my mind. I really like that quote! I think she has a fair point. Most of the time I don't even expect an answer from someone, so I might as well write it down on paper then.
One of my favorite sayings is as follows: Expression is the opposite of depression. Keep expressing yourself, even if it's for your eyes only.
Sending you love and creativity...
Sending you Love Vincent xxxx
I always love your love ;<)
That's so kind of you @vincentnijman :) Well, you're probably right... I'm going to try so and see how it will affect me. Hope all is well over there!
All is as well as it can be, under the circumstances ;<)