BSB News and Helpful Things (Bonus Karma Points Inside!)

Hello there! Another stellar Monday night show of "Under the Influence" has passed which of course goes all over the place but covered onboarding and how Fartbook further alienates entire valid CHURCH CONGREGATIONS among other darker agendas that lurk in the shadows! I have fun doing the show and then I move back on to sail around and see what's going on. It's bad to park your pirate ship in only one or two docks as your anchor will get rusty anyhow.


Moving on, I'd like to highlight a few posts that were used in the Black Sheep Bloggers community that imho is quality over quantity. I'm not here for numbers as the right networking opportunities afforded outweigh any need to worry about much of the drama. I see the big picture , that's my super-power. ;) Smash that subscribe button so I can curate easier, I'm a busy Lady!

People will either upvote or not and I in turn either invest or not or onboard people.............or not. :) depends on the person really, most will not bother to even look at a place where even the trending page doesn't make lambo. That ALSO means those who stick around and still use the GOOD aspects of this platform usually don't need to conform to all the cliques or feel the need to be a "good girl". I'm here for the networking, blogging and to just have my finger on the pulse of innovations.

A few other topics of interest while scrolling through chats and such are that it looks like SOME platforms/crypto figures are feeling the heat of having to pay "the man" or actually adhere to any form of protocol that the plebs have to.


Photograph by @hetty-rowan and used with permission, Professional Photographer and MOD in BlackSheepBloggers and fellow Mod in Ladies of Hive :) McAfee "is what he is" but got busted in Spain for a variety of deeds so it will be interesting to see what all is in store for him and how it affects the already rather tarnished rep. of crypto.

  • Reading stuff as I'm known to do found a very cool looking browser called Dissenter that am totally going to try out, here's the link .... "Meet the free speech browser"
I'm sure a review will be in the works if I like it. DISSENTER LOOKS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY AND AM SURE THE CROWD WHO READS THIS WOULD PROLLY AGREE but gotta use it before pimping it outright?
  • Moving On...I've never been a fan of VOICE or EOS which people I run with know as have been extremely critical of many of the people they had at the start and how they do KYC on VOICE to imho, a very Orwellian level. NOT INTERESTED and it makes Hive look way better IMHO.
    shockernot.png unsure of the source as it was from a private user in palnet but NOT SURPRISED!!!!!!!!

  • Last but not least, I'm a mod in Ladies of Hive Community and wanted to extend a contest for Hive that's currently being run...

^clickable link , if you join be sure to tell them "@battleaxe sent ya'"

I want to include cross promotional and community material that may be of interest to some readers especially when a prize is involved. Of course supporting my work also is appreciated because the rising waters lifts all kayaks!


theend.png BE YOUR OWN WONDER WOMAN! Empowerment for anyone regardless of any label comes from within btw.... image by the ever so genius @inertia


Lurve ya ❤️

You are really lifting all the communities you're part of ... I love the effort you make to make Hive a better place for all of us.

thank you so much , coming from you means a lot. As an investor who blogs it's def something that I hope evolves nicely

Seems like a successful first endeavor, and I am sorry to have missed this! I hope to be better... and I am on my way...
I wish you the best and I can't wait!!!

thanks and yes feel better soon! thank you a ton , yeah it's been a lot of fun thus far

I love the energy you put in to making Hive a better place to be! ❤️

thanks :) I'm trying..........try to look at things through rose colored glasses yet be a realist too, hehe
appreciate the support

Thanks for having me, @battleaxe.

Looks like we are got another onboard. Not sure if SGS related but possibly. Welcome @prophetpx777!

Hopefully more start trickling in soon.

awesome, following now, will help when time permits , today will be an oddly free day to play around on here but soon crunch time . Welcome @prophetpx777