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RE: Success is a 2-way Street - Re-Engineering the Power Dynamics of Crypto

"If you came here for the revolution, why them do so many replicate the patterns of old?"

Good question, I just do my own things, am part of a ton of groups see who I gel with or not and know when to say no......if you give an inch people take a mile and unless they are actively doing things for me other than "nice post" I just am cordial and have no ill will but know that I'd never do serious biz or initiatives with them , it's really that simple. I love reading and writing but Hive has other aspects that I like just as much if not more as well as meeting other INVESTORS, that's where I drop the fluff talk and stop the b.s. , because a lot of stuff is b.s. just like fiat and the 'real world'. Hive has some amazing people and groups on it and things that branch out on their own merit.op/ed



Why can't I cross post into black sheep bloggers? (are you crosspost-ist?)
All about the BS!

I have no clue, hmmmm, I just have a basic community set up and write on peakd , def not crosspost-ist, maybe somebody reading this will know the answer cause me no know :('s a conspiracy!!!!
I use peaked to, and can cross post in other communities....