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RE: Expired

in Inspired by Nature2 years ago

Really nice. I deeply miss 'real' autumn. You don't really get it in the city. Just things become greyer, rather than more colourful. Can't wait for the day I can delve into some piles of leaves or pick random wildberries i'm not sure if I can eat or not haha...


Then I am lucky that in the country where I live, autumn can be seen and experienced even in the cities. Well, in the capital probably only in the parks.
But hey, there are parks where you live too, right? Or you just have to travel to the countryside 🙂

Yeah not really... the parks here are VERY artificial. Most roads are lined with trees but they're the kind that just go brown in a few days and that's the end of that lol.

But yeah for sure making some countryside trips as soon as possible!