The Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mars
I can't believe we're already in March of 2025. Where did all the time go. Blink once and it will be Summer. Blink twice and the Christmas trees will be up again. I tell you, time is flying by like a bullet train.
It's foggy in London this morning. I decided to go for an early walk in the Harry Porter-esque weather, even though I was feeling unusually cold, but I ended up enjoying the fresh air. I was saying to my friend the other day that a fog is basically a low cloud. In essence, I was walking in the clouds early in the morning :)
The Sun
The sun was quite high up in the sky already, longer days and all, and I could look directly at it due to the amount of fog between me and it. It looked quite spooky and turned everything monochrome, including all the photos I took :)
Talking of photos, I tried to photograph the planets yesterday. The past couple of days displayed a "celestial dance" with all the planets being visible in the night's sky. It's a rare occurrence, the next of which will be in 2040, and I was glad this fog/cloud thing gave us a chance to actually see it for a change. Usually when there's a celestial event, the clouds come out to play over London and ruin the show.
Having said that, my iPhone was just not up to the task. Venus, of course, was so prominent and bright. We see Venus all the time as she chases the moon around the night sky. Venus was particularly bright yesterday though. It was hard to believe it wasn't some kind of spaceship. Jupiter was clear too, as was Mars. You could even see the reddish hue. I couldn't make out the others without the help of an app that pointed me in the right direction. Uranus and Neptune were invisible to the naked eye. I didn't have a telescope or binoculars handy, even though I have the latter in storage, so I took to social media to see other people's photos and videos of those distant planets.
I thought it interesting that it occurred on February 28, the only proper month in the year 2025 and the next one is in 15 years. It's all so even in an odd way.
It got me thinking about the future, as these things always do. 15 years isn't as long as we think, especially the way time is flying these days - from my point of view anyway. A child will perceive the next 15 yeas as an eternity. The older you get, however, the more compressed the passing time becomes as it forms less and less percentage of your life (if that makes sense).
Jupiter and Mars
Anyway, I'll stop here for fear of going on a totally different philosophical tangent 😂. But the relevant part of the whole thought is where crypto, particularly HIVE will be in 15 years. I had a look at DTube this morning and, even though the page is still there, it's clearly dead now. It's a completely empty shell of what it used to be. Somehow, some people are still posting on it though. I still have a lot of DTC tokens on there that are worth a few quid on paper. I doubt anyone would buy them though. So sad. It was such a promising project. Hopefully HIVE will tell a different story in the future and won't go the way of DTube.
Peace & Love,
We saw Mars, Jupiter and Venus last night. Saturn and Mercury were too low in the sky then. I think we need some perspective on how insignificant we are in the universe, but we can still do great things.
Crypto is still pretty young and may have a bigger impact by 2040. The world is changing as the politics shifts. We have to hope that it can be fairly peaceful as we still don't have an alternative to this fragile planet.
Indeed. we could be wiped out in one mass extinction event but the earth and other planets will just carry on orbiting for eternity.. or until the sun expands enough to consume the planets.. or implodes into a black hole that sucks everyone in.
By the way I learnt from a 5 year old boy today that Venus is a mini version of the sun, capable of holding its own solar system. haha. These kids are so smart now.. maybe there's hope for the future