Greetings friends!
(Pixabay image)
Floods, landslides, erosion of embankments by rivers are not today's thing, but these are common phenomena of nature. Man is also used to living with them. But now the danger is increasing. Many years ago, the houses were ‘kutcha’ and people had less goods, due to which they used to go to safer places without caring for their houses when there was a disaster like flood. Now even a normal household has so much stuff and so much money has been spent in buying it that it becomes very difficult for the people to collect them again. Then the population was less, so people used to settle in another place comfortably even after losing the land. But now the population and urbanization have increased beyond drastically. In today’s world, a normal city dweller is dependent on the government for facilities like electricity, water, safety and mobility. If there is a power cut due to some natural calamity, then life becomes extremely difficult for the city dwellers. All work stops.
But this is only a small aspect of indiscriminate urbanization. In today's time, development means only construction work. From village administration to every government department, concrete structures are being erected in the name of development. The vacant land is being covered with concrete as an achievement. We must consider that when the land will not be left vacant and roads and buildings will be built on every part of the land then where the rain water will go. That water will collect on the cemented ground and then a flood-like situation will definitely arise. People criticize the governments for not making enough drains. Undoubtedly these are the shortcomings, but where drains are also made, people throw many types of garbage including plastic inside them, then they get choked. Apart from this, man is the only intelligent creature who first takes out the rain water near him and sends it to the distant rivers and then brings the same water back to his area by taking out canals from the rivers.
A park is made by cutting big trees in a forest area and then it is expected to get oxygen by planting two or four ornamental trees and plants in that park. By removing the trees of various species in the forests by the Forest Department, trees of some selected species like pine, oak, cedar in the mountains and sal, teak in the plains are being planted in their place. In place of these wood yielding tress, there is a greater need for various wild berries, tubers and fruit trees in the forests. Wild animals eat them and live comfortably in the forest, but in their absence, they are also running towards the cities in search of food.
Overall, disasters like floods are common in nature, but due to the misdeeds of human beings, they are becoming more dangerous. The rivers are being suffocated by construction on the banks of the rivers. Concrete jungles are being built in the name of development. Considering the empty space as dirty, tiles, concrete roads are being put on it. Water drainage system is being built on wrong notion and forests are being destroyed due to which disasters like floods, landslides are becoming more and more devastating. Global warming is nothing but a result of destruction of forests. Carbon-dioxide is not our enemy. In fact, it’s the vital thing for life. It cannot harm us. Indiscriminate falling of trees is the main cause of the global warming and climate change. Hence, wrong concepts of our development and over population are the root of our problems.
Thank you! Be safe.
Been experiencing the effects of moonsoon season here in the Philippines as well. Perhaps, changes in the environment really does negatively affect the persistent effects of such natural phenomenon.
Hopefully, we will all learn from it, take a step back, and protect our environment as we move forward.
There is no issue of climate change. Climate change is a natural procedure. What is really bad is the activity of us.