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RE: Labels: Substantially Limiting To A Fault?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Labelling affects us in multiple ways. It is quite a frequent claim that we are not affected by of whatever people think about us but that's not the truth. We ARE affected by people's remarks and thoughts. Being labelled continuously in a negative way lead us to have lower self-esteem.

We cannot imagine a world without labelling. For one reason or the other we do need categorization. However, we can go beyond this labelling in close relationship. The best relations are the ones where people love value eachother's positivity despite the presence of other person's negative elements (that are present in everyone). The best relations are the ones where differences are respected, and I think such relationships are quite scarce

 3 years ago  

You're right, we do need categorisation, I just feel we can be more thorough about it.

With an element of respect for differences, we can categorize without any negative influence, that's what I think