Remember how badly you wanted it and Be Grateful for having it

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Gratitude is indeed a virtue, perhaps one of the most important and recognizable virtues that we all ought to have and practice, but you do not hear this often, instead, you hear people talk about patience only, whiles patience is very much important in our lives and in our day to day activities it is critical that we also learn to be appreciative.

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A lot of times when we want something, when we are looking to have something we put in so much effort, we do everything possible, anything that is within our means that can be done to get the job done we do it, we do not relent and we push, much like how a guy behaves when they want to get the girl so bad.

Unfortunately a lot of times things start to change drastically once we get what we wanted, perhaps it is in the nature of man to behave this way however we are also blessed to be able to make our own analysis, critical decisions with regards to things that would help us grow and be better. Which is why humans are more than animals and the same reasons why civilization has come this far.

And so we have to make conscious efforts to keep things going they want had it from the beginning before we got what we wanted, even if we cannot keep up the same energy we should drain everything from 100% to 0%, we should try to maintain around 80% or even better 90% that way we get to show appreciation, we get to be better than what others may expect of us and we get to be a better version of ourselves.

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And so let's remember how badly we may have wanted something and in the same vain so appreciation with that same kind of energy once we get it.

Thank you for your time