bhardwajoo9 cross-posted this post in ecoTrain 3 years ago

🌾 wheat farming 🌾

in CCH3 years ago

Hello everyone I am doing well and hope same for you today I am going to share my village wheat farming pictures with click by me with the help of my smartphone.

Wheat is a main crop in India. Wheat is mainly used by humans as bread for their livelihood. Wheat is grown in 13 percent of India's cropped area. Wheat is the most important cereal crop in India after paddy and is the staple food of millions of people in the north and north western regions of India.

It is a rich source of proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates and provides a balanced diet. India is the fourth largest producer of wheat in the world after Russia, USA and China. India accounts for 8.7 per cent of the world's wheat production.
, In which protein is found in abundance. Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are the main crop producing regions in India. Wheat varieties are selected according to the condition and condition of the land and resources.


Climate and land requirement
The cultivation of wheat requires a temperate climate, the favorable temperature for its cultivation is 20-25 degree centigrade at the time of sowing, the cultivation of wheat is mainly based on irrigation, loam lands are considered best for the cultivation of wheat. But it can be cultivated in sandy loam, heavy loam, matiyar and mar and kawar land. Wheat can be cultivated on any type of land depending on the availability of resources.

farm preparation
Most of the sowing is done only after the harvest of paddy, first plowing should be done by soil turning plow and after 2-3 ploughing with disc harrow or cultivator, leveling the field to make it friable, cut the stumps of paddy with disc harrow. Taxes are broken into small pieces: To make them rot quickly, 20-25 kg urea must be given in the first plowing at the rate of per hectare. Due to this, the roots rot, the field becomes completely ready by one plowing with tractor operated rotavator.
sowing method
Wheat should be sown on time and at sufficient moisture otherwise the yield decreases. As there is a delay in sowing, there is a decline in the yield, sowing of wheat should be done with seed drill and always sowing of wheat should be done in line. Sowing of combined species should be done from the first side of October to the second side in suitable moisture, Now comes the irrigated condition, in which four waterers are to be given on time i.e. 15-25 November, in irrigated condition only three water species should be sown in proper moisture from 15 November to 10 December and in irrigated condition which is late sowing. Species that are capable of sowing should be sown in proper moisture by 15-25 December, The species which are sown in the same land, they must be sown in proper moisture around 15th October, now comes what method to sow Wheat should be sown in lines behind the native plow or in the land with fertcidril. It is beneficial to do on moisture, it is very beneficial to do sowing with Pantnagar seed and manure seedril.

As soon as the crop is ripe, without waiting, harvesting and threshing should be done immediately, and the straw and grain should be kept in place, the crop with excessive area should be harvested with the combine, in which the harvesting and threshing go together when from the combine. Harvesting is done.


Without waiting for the weather, the produce should be filled in sacks or sacks and secured in a clean place and then spread dry neem leaves or chemical should also be used.


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LocationGwaliorMadhya Pradesh
 3 years ago  

this post reads like it is almost fully plagiarised. You have not quoted your sources when clearly much of the post is using data and information taken from other places.

Please note Hive is not a place to copy the internet and causes serious problems for the platform and its reputation as a platform for original information.