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RE: The Chicken House: an exercise in Co-Creation

in ecoTrain10 months ago

Greetings @samstonehill ,

This is a book...Smiles...what a lovely record of the process...and is that wheel up in the air....amazing.

I am certain the chickens will love it!

Lovely post...kind regards to your family.



I am certain the chickens will love it!

If i were a chicken i think i would love it ;)

I didn't mention in this post but i will also let them wander around the whole garden. Just need to seal off the bamboo jungle area so they don't get lost!

Yes, that is a bicycle wheel supporting the net. I found it in the forest over three years ago and knew it would be useful for something. Just didn't know what till now ;)

All the best!

Thank you for your kind reply.

It is said that geese and or ducks will not tear up the Garden....but chickens will...that being said...once you turn the Vegetable Garden over after production cycle...the chickens will do the rest quite happily...not sure about tomatoes whether they can have those or not...please check.

You also mentioned...

'It was Nicola Tesla who once told us to "Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born" and i resonate deeply with this simple idea.'

Here's one from Einstein...

'The monotny and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.' -Albert Einstein

Also enjoyed seeing the new abode of the cats...and all the pictures of the little ones....thank you.


Here's what my guide has to say about tomatoes.

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 07.14.26.png

There is so much to learn suddenly!

Beautiful Einstein quote. Will have to remember that one.

Thank you for sharing 🙏