A Truth That We Have Ignored In Voting For Our "Leaders"


A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit - Matthew 7:18

Today, we tend to vote for leaders who look strong. That will lead us to victory in the coming battles, so we think.

However, narcissists (psychopaths and sociopaths) can easily mimic strength. They can talk all big, like they have power, like they are better then everyone else. The narcissist is an expert at this. It falls right in line with their fantasy, that they are actually a powerful and perfect person.

But, the narcissist does not care for me or you. If you elect one, you can assume… no, you can be almost guaranteed that they will never fulfill any of their promises. Well, at least not willingly. They want to dangle what you want out in front of you.

As you can see, a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.
It is not a thing that we could solve by writing a better Constitution or placing any rules upon them, or signing any contracts. They will turn all good intentions into evil acts.

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How evil could it be?

…neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit

Look at the corporation called USAID.

Sounds good, right? It is aid. From the US. Right?

The name actually stands for United States Agency for International Development. And basically it is the good looking, forward face of the Cocain Import Agency who's sole task is to get certain groups to start believing certain things.

You want to know where all those fliers about being gender fluid and changing your sex came from, around the world? Well it was the USAID. You want to know who laid the propaganda out for regime changes all over the world? Well, it was the USAID.

How evil could that be? Well, the original group who stared Gender Reassignment Surgery quit doing it, because 50%, HALF, of their clients committed suicide. And it really does not change a man into a woman, it makes the person sexless. And they have a open wound that they must care for, for the rest of their lives. The reality does not match the poster. The surgery does not change you to the opposite sex, it turns you into a hideous freak, who will probably never know love, and may never know the pleasures of sex. (this is literal. Physical. Not about any emotions)

And it will probably come out that USAID has been used for laundering a LOT of money out of the govern-cement coffers. And this was used to bribe people all over the world (especially your local judges and mayors)

They probably also help in child trafficking, (by paying certain people to get kids out of poor countries) but this part might not come out. And, CPS is who handles that here in America.

So, with good intentions, this is where that led.

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A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit…

This one is a little hard to explain. Most good people cannot fathom the lengths narcissists will go.

To a normal, caring person, they cannot kill other people without feeling more and more remorse. They do not become mass murderers, even after going through war. They know a limit. And many a soldier would just stop killing. They called it "shell shocked", or PTSD.

A narcissist has no trouble killing. Their limits are getting caught, or looking bad. There is also the problem of killing the other person. It is often too much trouble, and if they killed them, then they cannot torment them anymore.

A good person has a limit, a narcissist doesn't.

A good person will resist, and given best conditions, will not do any killing. The normal person does not want to hurt others. And they have to be lied to, betrayed, before they will do evil deeds. (they have to be convinced that what they are doing is right. Like Nazi's rounding up Jevvs)

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Good will try to fix its mistakes. And even though they may do bad things, it usually ends up being good in the end. (not the pain, but the learning, the life lessons)

Evil will turn everything they touch towards evil; towards self destruction. A narcissist sees a situation and wonders how they can increase their power from this. How can they line their own pockets from this? How can they look good, and make the others (even their allies, friends, partners) look bad.


It is a cosmic energy structure. And it is whether you are spiralling into self destruction, or growing outward in ever larger circles.

Self destruction rarely just effects the one causing it. They like to drag everyone in with them.

So, we must be aware of the bad trees, and remove them from our lives. We may even choose to remove them from our planet as we recognize how truly destructive they are.

Right now, we must become aware of good trees and bad trees. And we must see the signs of which category they fall into. We do not let evil ones out of jail, because they acted nice for the years they were there. We recognize the bad fruit they bring, and keep them separated from society.

We must keep the bad trees out of any positions of power.
The best way would probably to abolish the positions of power, but we probably cannot do that yet, so we must test each candidate, and we must never vote for the lesser of two evils again.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


"...a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit."

This is why democracy is a scam. Who we choose to vote for in elections doesn't matter when the candidates that stand for election are all corrupt minions of oligarchs, and the services of corporate media that are used to batter our grasp of reality into conceptions that only understand what oligarchs want us to, and are diverted from attention to the things that actually really matter to us, promote to us these groveling toadies of oligarchs based on choices between policies that are ubiquitously contrary to our interests.

Policies that would be beneficial may be dangled by minion A or B during a campaign, briefly and non-specifically, like Trump dangled elimination of income taxes. But these rhetorical devices never become actual implementations when the elections are over. Instead of eliminating illegal taxes on wages - which aren't actually defined as income for the purposes of taxation under law - we simply get new taxes, the tariffs that we were told would replace taxing our wages in an ERS that replaced the IRS. Instead of getting relief from getting screwed financially by that insuperable taxation of our wages, we are getting spit roasted by adding a new screwing from the new taxes added to the economic impediments we have to overcome to thrive.

The lesser of two evils cannot be good, because by definition it is evil. In fact by controlling candidacy, these machinations destroy the value of democracy, turning it into a choice between overseers granted slaves, not means of self-governance sovereign rulers refine by electoral mechanisms. Instead of participating in sham elections between evils, imposing policies by the deed, by creating wealth using means of production we own and retaining it without enabling oligarchs to sap our economic strength by parasitizing our production, and using our wealth to bolster each other locally, regionally, and across geopolitical boundaries, we defund Machiavellian manipulators that treat us like cattle and harm us for their profits.

We must eliminate the vectors of deception that are used to parasitize us, these elections that sap our economic strength by posing only the Mayor Basses, and Governor Newscums for us to choose to be deprived by. By creating policies by the deed, through economic interactions with one another that oligarchs cannot parasitize, we vote with our productivity for securing our neighborhoods with groups we man rather than mercenary forces inserted into our neighborhoods like foreign troops into hostile territories with APC's and shock troops. We surveil our own neighborhoods with CCTV we don't share with overlords, but watch and share between us ourselves. There's a reason that there aren't neighborhood wifi networks, but all communications locally are directed at national levels.

We don't have to put up with that, and creating neighborhood chat groups is one of the functions on Fakebook that has been attempted locally. This has been rather ineffective because it was controlled by developers, and subject to Fakebook, but the idea behind it was sound, and even neutered by these limitations it enabled useful networking across the neighborhood that was quicker than coffee cake visits, garage sales gossip, and book club meetings. These can be better effected via open source apps like Element and federated networks that would eliminate censorship by Web2 oligarchs and the centralization they impose, preventing capture of the communications by developers through enabling individuals to control their feeds and communications personally.

Elections are a scam because they are coordinated behind the scenes and imposed on us. We can eliminate their fraudulent imposition on us by effecting policies ourselves through our coordination of our economic development in cooperation locally, by ourselves interacting with regional partners at will in ad hoc meetings of stakeholders - not the minions of oligarchs bent on parasitizing us, but we that are actually inhabiting the developments we develop ourselves. By eliminating the parasitization that can be imposed on our wealth, we can eliminate the elections of officials to rule over us through eliminating the resources they can employ to enrich oligarchs. It won't be instant, and it will take work, but it will succeed at defunding sham democracy that only offers to allow us to choose overseers that parasitize us and feed oligarchs.

Centralization is the enemy of freedom, and decentralization, or the implementation of policies by those affected being the same that effect them, is freedom, and the quality of civilization is dependent on the economic power of the civil society. By retaining our wealth we produce independently we increase our economic power and reduce that of our enemies, increasing the blessings of civilization we create and reducing that parasitization that causes slums and ghettos to replace vibrant, thriving neighborhoods.
