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RE: Med Beds Are the Near Future of Hospital Healing

Yep, cancer disappearing is not a double blind test.

Nor, can i think of a way to make it a double blind test.

But, it is, a miraculous, verifiable result.

Fortunately for you, and us, those instruments that will see into, hear into, a person will be computer recordable, and so we will be getting a lot of data.

And, i feel that these things won't even be rigorously tested/proven like you would like. In a pass/fail test, as is the current science model.

We will be seeing things like variance in the healing due to the:

  • focus/attention level of the practitioner.
  • belief of the result by the patient
  • emotional state of all involved
  • the phase of the moon
  • maybe even the position of the planets.
  • the application of, or lack thereof, a microdose of some drug (as in ppm or ppb)
  • Some people will respond really well to sound, and seemingly not at all to light. And vice versa

The only thing that will be consistent is people getting healed. (and some that won't heal)

And for you, what would happen in your brain if you saw someone be healed from like a visual deformity. And then, as the patient came out of the state, put it back! The deformity was there, then gone, then back. What would you think if you witnessed this?