Be angry, but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 nor give place to the devil. Ephesians 4: 26-27 King James Version (KJV)
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I am a woman very sensitive to words and actions that come with aggression. The offense hurts and produces great emotional wounds.
There are times when I get into words a little hard with my spouse, but they are no more than just words.
There are times when you receive verbal insults from other people that make you get out of your position of patience and you want to come into conflict with that person.
I have learned that unforgiveness makes you live in bitterness and in a state of constant anger. Living with resentment towards a person is not good. The word teaches that we cannot let anger dawn on us. If someone has offended you, the ideal would be to find a way that your anger does not affect your feelings and cause you strong injuries. If the person does not ask for your forgiveness, the ideal is for you to approach them and tell them that you forgive them despite what they did to you.
Letting the sun go down on our anger is simply giving the devil a chance to fill our hearts with anger and bitterness. It is necessary to find a way to forgive to neutralize the satanic work against our lives.
If you are the offender and you are a Christian, you need to put the word of the Lord into practice and you must be quick to forgive the other person. Avoid filling your heart with resentment and unforgiveness. The Lord says that without peace and holiness no one will see him. In this sense, if you want to be guaranteed to be in the presence of God, try to be at peace with your neighbor and maintain a level of holiness that pleases God.

I know that when I am keeping hatred and practicing unforgiveness, I cannot have peace in my mind. God forgives no matter our offences, why then won't we forgive our fellow being who offended us? If we truly want to live a holy life for God, this is what we need to take away from our heart and practice forgiveness to everyone who has offended us. God bless you for sharing this topic.
Forgiveness brings you ultimate peace even if you want to retaliate when someone treats you rudely. If one can get rid of that temptation of retaliation and keep their cool then probably they live a peaceful life. Cheers!