It is of great necessity, taking to consciousness the effects of being subdued by influence. Having influence doesn't have to be a forceful method in bringing an individual under some sort of control, but could be other manners that obstruct and hinder an individual's accomplishment. It's one thing to understand and be knowledgeable about the hindrances, manipulations, and denials you're being exposed to. Then it's another thing to identify and believe you have the right to overcome limitations been set before you.
It's not as trivial to overcome even in full awareness of this great influence especially when the environment you dwell intakes so much part in determining how far you can go in life, hijacking life opportunities from you and ruining your self-development.
It is evident that in the principle of lifestyle, especially the social life of humans, beliefs, and emotions are biased as a result of external force(s) which is exerted through the environment and individuals found in it.
These include the choices provided by the environment and are mainly rooted in general beliefs of the society which may be due to tradition, religion, and cultural practices. These external forces tend to have control over an individual's behaviors even reactions to life processes whether received consciously or unconsciously.
"Our conscious thought look as though
shielded by our heart from our immediate
environment but realized to be closely related
to the external surrounding than imagined,
and that we have less control of what we
might think next" Ezequiel Morsella
In a particular region of West Africa where segregation of gender participation in leisure activities is prominent. A family of two siblings has the older one as a girl child, She always gets carried away by random groups of boys playing soccer but wouldn't get permitted to play with them and she was inclined to think that soccer games are meant for boys. while on the other hand, The male child having his attention always stuck with the kitchen activities was diverted.
Even though it seemed to be a favorite play, He was convinced it was meant for his sister. Particularly, the desires of the parent and the community have been made to override the children's personal choices describing the internal facet of what they think their interest and favorite play is.
Also, society's choices had exercised a sense of gender limitation and provided a rigid excuse for a change of belief and a new way of thinking. In factual words, the environment has the most chances of affecting mind sway in individuals and dominating their internal traits, emotions, and beliefs. As a result, control and constraint of an Individual's self-concept are guaranteed. Personalities, hobbies, characters, professions, what to value, and majorly how to live are limited to the choices offered by the community. self-concept is the main target of influence in a person's life.
Therefore, It is important to be conscious of our inner mind, through enlightenment and the process of "coming out of the shell" are required. 'self-concept accortotog Dr. Carl Roger is divided into three distinguishing parts; self-image, self-esteem, and the ideal self.
Self-image is the literal way a person sees himself irrespective of positivity or negativity. Admittedly, an individual whose lifestyle is dependent on what society sets as a standard might not be able to achieve his desired result. He sets a plan for his future but can't get to be executed without overstepping an apparent boundary, He only could imagine himself doing great things but in the real-life, it doesn't always come feasible and is bound to condemnation. He even sets to take practically daring steps towards his ambition but he failed.
Eventually, people around him see him as unsuccessful, They labeled him a failure and this gives him depression, anxiety and Indeed, He sees himself exactly how his environment sees him be. Self-esteem reveals how much value we put on ourselves. A person who often gets unlucky with things or doesn't get a favorable side of judgment, Instead of being encouraged by her so-called friends, They laughed and shamed her of her problems. Her self-esteem was torn down rather than being built. Your Ideal self is the real person you want to become.
The pursuit of who you want to be is walking through the journey of discovery of your traits, your own belief, and principles of living, purely internal and different from the external identity such as the education, sexual and career-oriented groups the society had clothed you with. It is important to know that, self-concept can be changed throughout a person's life no matter the level of environmental and individual's influence because "self is not static or complete, A self is always becoming "Madeleine L'Engle" self-concept can therefore be influenced by other factors like enlightenment as mentioned above, education, newly gained experiences, and knowledge.
Making up one's mind never to live against who one is meant to be, placing self-worth because " you are treated the way you see yourself" and general manager of one's self-efficacy which helped to avoid unnecessary pressure gives the chances to your success desires. Remember that, whatever vision you have for yourself, whichever environment you find yourself, w in whatever people that surround you, and the influence they might have on your mind and vision.
In fulfilling your ambition at the end of the journey, It takes dedication, discipline, prayers, and time to get the achievement of the real YOU.