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RE: The invisible force driving climate change that no-one talks about. | ecoTrain QOTW 10.2 | Day 7 of HiveBloPoMo

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Totally, and I think I agree with you also on this @itsostylish. In reality, we problem need to tackle the issue from multiple directions all at once:

  • Those who are willing - dive inside themselves and make peace with how wonderful they already are so they don't feel a whole of not-enoughness that needs filling with stuff.

  • Those who can change laws and enforce new rules - do this for everyone (including those doing the inner work) so we can't deliberately or accidentally hurt the planet more.

  • Those who know how to educate people - do this with everyone who will listen & help more people understand both the problem and how to make changes towards a solution.

We can all play our part in whatever way feels most true for us. We all have far more power to contribute to a position change than most of us realise. 🙌

 3 years ago  
