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RE: Would you like to help and work with the ecoTrain Community!?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

I would love to help buddy! But I am not sure how much time I can delegate to Ecotrain :/
Started the new job Monday, so I have a lot to learn and is working overtime now and then x)

 3 years ago  

nice thank you! maybe give me a rough idea just so i can get a vibe.. congrats on the new job! hope its fun

Well. It properly would be more than 1 hour a week, because I don't know about how the job will turn out xD

 3 years ago  

ok.. so please follow this invitation request for the Discord group where we can connect and i can explain the roles you can choose to help us with.

Some of the roles require much less time than others, and commenting is for sure one that we can all help a little with as and when it suits you!..

see you there! (hopefully you have a discord account?)