Creatures Responding to Instructions From the Creator

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Over and over again,have I been pondering about the creatures responding to the commands from the creator. Does it mean they don't have there own will?, or there is a force that backs the command?. Greetings beloved, today is an article about Gods supremacy.


Everything that be is an end product of someone in charge. Things don't just happen or be, there must have been something or somebody that necessitated the outcome, examples are seen on things manufactured e.g cars, trains, telephone and many more we all know, they don't just be, it must have been someone's initiation,worked on. So are the creatures they came from the creator. The creator that is more important to me as of this article is the Almighty(God)
He came to be without something giving command to his existence, he just came to be on his own accord, the only one that gives command to the creatures and they have no other alternative than to succumb to his instructions.

To every creature there is always a creator,we humans is at the will, mercies of the creator. Using a RAT as a case study for all animals.

Rat a case study for all animals,not just they are animals and that there body systems have been conditioned to the way they act,not just that the way there body anatomy, body chemistry,body physiology is the way they are meant to be, but that there is more to that, they obey instructions given to them before now. They cannot work erect, they don't behave like humans do neither do they do what humans do,they can't or will even go beyond the command given to them.

What Can we say about Humans
Not withstanding what humans have tried to put through even in science, art, technology, there are many explanations they owe to the almighty. Yea humans have tried to prove some points well enough but there are explanations they owe and can't account to because they themselves still obey commands given to them afore time. They can't go beyond that, and that's why we owe all gratitude to the only one that knows all and can't be questioned on anything



No matter how human tries his /her capabilities, we will still listen and obey our creator because we where created