Greetings family, trust we all are cool. Coming to across to us today is about our health, health talks. As little this might sound, as often we might have been hearing it, as visible we might have seen it, as closely we might have seen it effects,.... It does really matter, DRUG ABUSE
Meaning of DRUG
A chemical substance such as a narcotic or a hallucinogen that affects the central nervous system and is used recreationally for perceived desirable effects on personality, perception, or behavior. Many recreational drugs are used illicitly and can be addictive.
In essence, drugs does not necessarily mean the common and most seen one we know all about,leaves can be drugs too.
Literally, the meaning of drug abuse is the abuse of drugs(chemicals). Drug abuse is the unprescribed, undirected, uninformed, no good knowledge of, taking of drugs which makes it detrimental and life threatening to organs,systems,bio-morphology to our health.
drug abuse is also describer as the excessive, maladaptive, or addictive use of drugs for nonmedical purposes despite social, psychological, and physical problems that may arise from such use.source
There are various routes by which drugs can be administered which include;
This is the administration of drugs from the mouth, that's it passes from the esophagus.
This is the administration of drugs in the veins.
This is the administration of drugs in the muscles.
Not going into deep explanations to these as these aren't the major concern to this article though there are other routes of drug administration.
In all these forms of drug administration,there are drugs on whose specification is based on each route and if bypassed from the route then its drug abuse.
Forms in which drugs can be Abused
Over dosage
This happens when one doesn't take the required amount or quantity as prescribed.
Not following the normal route of administration This happens when the stipulated route is intravenous and oral is taken,of course its automatically drug abuse.
Time Factor
Times are specified for the taking of drugs for example morning, evening, mid day as the case might be, if not followed as specified, then its abused.
Food Factor
There are food combinations meant to be taken in some drugs for e.g if the right combination for a drug is protein giving food and another is taken, it has already been abused.
Right Combination
There are combinations meant for some drugs,e.g if vitamins are meant to be taken in relation to the drugs and its omitted,the then abused.
Various ways in which drugs are been abused knowingly or unknowingly.
End product of drug Abuse
- system malfunctioning
- System intolerance
- Health devastation
- insanity and emotional breakdown
- Death
Thanks for reading through
Yes boss,right information, right action, leads to a happy life