Good evening my friends, my entry for this week's EcoTrain Question of the Week (QOTW)
When we talk about God, we can't just explain so many things. There are just mystery and we may not find answers no matter how we make our research. It's quite difficult for us to to see what God has I stock for us and we can't just see the clear image. As human being, we only just see what happens in the present time and we are just concerned about who was involved in all our suffering, and we must also know that it's quite difficult to see the what is at the end from the start. I must say that God has plans for all of us and we should all be patient with him and ourselves. I want us to know that it's important to note that all those who are presently suffering needs so much attention and care and even love, they are not supposed to be left alone. It's important to comfort them when necessary and not make jest of them. They are human too and should be treated as one.
When I hear why does God allow suffering. God is the supreme being and he is not wicked. Man is he wicked one and Most times the suffering comes from man and it's man made. There are people who would say why will God allow us to suffer and put us in pain when he is so powerful. I believe God has given us the opportunity to decide on what we want. This means we as human being can choose from doing the right thing or doing otherwise. Some people will definitely choose evil than doing what is right and this has been existence for a very long time. I must say that this life, we are not the same and choices can be made and God gave us the will to do so. It's important to note that ifat every point God is there to tell us do this or that, then we won't have the choice to make. We would just act like someone who is being controlled in totality. I believe we sometimes make choices by ourselves and this choices could lead to some suffering. And that's not Gods plan for us. I will say that God has given us the opportunity to love one another but human being is full of hatred.
I want to say that we all live in a world that things are mostly done in a wrong way and people are being hailed. Some people will even ask why do God allow disease, death and even environmental harzads that kill so many people even christians. I must say that God understand and knows whatever is happening and we must always know that he is everywhere and does whatever he wishes. I must say that we are all human beings and we can't compare ourselves to God. He is the ultimate and we must always respect that.
As human being when some bad things happen, wẹ think God is not aware and we just feel depressed and feel so lonely. We must always remember that God exists and he cares so much for us. When people die, this doesn't mean God hates them. There are stories of family die in a auto crash but still God exists. Sometimes the driver could over speed and we blame God for it. Some people drink while driving or before driving. All these are being caused by human being and not of God. God is merciful and he is always there for us.
Thanks fo checking my blog.