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RE: The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Mornin' Chorin'!

in ecoTrain3 years ago

I love walking through your day with you! You ramble as you amble and I learns lots of little nuggets this way! Half of my notes to me lately are tips on what to cook or how. On life. On living.

You know how to live right.

You be the best danged baker!

I am all about being organized. It keeps me grounded and makes me comfortable. Out of routine? That's okat, too. Life Y'all. You animals make me smile, the stories you put out. Courtesy of them always garners peels of laughter.

You have built a wonderful life and your writingbis always inspirational and uplifting. Thank you for that. ❤️ Love to you, KitKat.


Oh! I so love it when you drop by for a meander and a message, your comments are the bestest! Seriously my dear friend, your kind words always brighten my day😊

And I say that as I sit under a canopy inhaling lavender as I distill essential oil, you are so right, the good life indeed.

And double and, to get called best dang baker by one of the most awesome chefs I know made my feel good meter go to da moon!

Love ya right back Ds!


Thank you! You make a person feel so worthy. ❤️ You have that special knack! Thanks for that pizza!