A Guide To Help You Develop Your Intuition

in ecoTrain3 years ago


a post i wrote recently about undoing our programming. She asked me if I could share a post with practical advice on how to develop our intuition and easily align with your inner self. She also asked some other questions that i answered in the comments about how to manifest abundance, and i also think that it would a great post to focus specifically on how to develop our intuition and how to align with our inner self. This is something that i have been working with since i was 21 years old, that is 27 years, and I can clearly remember how back then i really did wonder how or if i would ever manage to hone my intuition so that i was able to know what really was my intuition and what was just my mind giving me misleading ideas and information. I have never posted about this topic before so i am happy to take this opportunity to clarify for her, you and of course myself just what intuition is for me and how i have managed to come a long way with it. It is fair to say that i lead my life today based on my inner knowing rather than too much thought or trying to logically determine what is the best decision or course of action on any particular question or idea.I received a comment from @katleya in

I would like to start by saying that everyone has the gift of intuition, this inner knowing. We all have the potential to tap into a place that beyond our logical mind so that we can know with a high degree of certainty what we have to do, or what is gong on in a particular situation. This can be about almost anything at all, whether it is a simple question about whether we should go here or there one day, or the bigger decisions about life, love, friendship or whatever it may be.

It is a great gift to be able to know ourselves, and what is good for us.. but it can be very hard to really know it when we are confused, emotional, or don’t yet have trust and faith in the messages we receive. This is for many reasons, but a lot of our self doubts stem from the many incorrect and mixed or false messages that we receive from our minds and mental chatter. SO, just how do we learn to find our intuition? I hope i can explain!

'A lot of our self doubts stem from the many incorrect and mixed or false messages that we receive from our minds'

Whilst it true that everyone has the capability to know intuitively about things, it is fair to say that women are generally more comfortable with this than men. Of course many men have a very strong intuitive ability, although i think men often give it a different name such as a hunch, or a gut feeling. I think the reason for this is that women are less concerned with logic as they are (generally speaking) much more emotional and in touch with their emotions. I think women trust their feelings more easily, and do not put such a high value on logic.. which is why I think many men also find the way women work hard to understand. This is not about right or wrong, or good or bad.. its just an observable difference between the male and female aspects.

So, i would like to share a few simple tips that can help you to understand whether the messages you are receiving are intuition or are false ideas from our minds. Then i would like to share some ways that you can help to improve this so that you can hone your intuition into a way of living that is something you can learn to truly trust and rely on.. at least most of the time. I would like to say before i start that we can never be 100% sure if our intuition is right, at least before hand.. but after some time you will come to know how accurate it is and develop faith and trust in it. These days I am very happy to be wrong occasionally because i have learned now that more often that not it is spot on.. and I can usually feel when it is wrong even if it is in hindsight.

'We can never be 100% sure if our intuition is right, at least before hand.. but after some time you will come to know how accurate it is and develop faith and trust in it. '

If i had to give you ONE signal to watch out for when you are trying to identify whether you are tapping into your intuition, or if you are just 'making things up' I would say you just need to be aware of the intensity of the thoughts and feelings you are having. For starters, it is much harder to know your intuition when you have strong feelings about the subject, and indeed when it about great and important life decisions. If you are having thoughts and ideas that you think are your intuition guiding you, but they are very loud and intense and you really are feeling confused or unsure about it then the best thing to do is to let it go of it and carry on with your day.

'You just need to be aware of the intensity of the thoughts and feelings you are having. If they are loud and intense then the best thing to do is to let it go of it and carry on with your day. '

Once you have forgotten about it , and then the same message keeps coming back to you when you are feeling more quiet and calm then that is a sure sign that your Intuition is guiding you. Its also worth looking out for signs, that are often in the form of coincidences or seeing that same topic or subject come up in other places .. whether it be something someone says, or something you see somewhere.. If you keep seeing signs that point you toward the direction you are thinking about that is another sign that your intuition is guiding you toward it and it may well be the way forward.

'Look out for signs that are often in the form of coincidences or seeing that same topic or subject come up in other places'

This ties into how we can hone our intuition in the first place. We have different kinds of thoughts and feelings as we try to tune in to what is a good or bad course of action. Some of them are strong and intense thoughts, often accompanied by very strong feelings of emotion. These are loud thoughts, and loud feelings. They feel heavy, intense and make us feel unbalanced and confused or almost dizzy. These are the thoughts that we should ignore, they are very rarely our intuition.. but their intensity can confuse us and for me at least, were responsible for much of my confusion whilst I was learning which thoughts and ideas to trust.

Then there are these other thoughts and feelings. They are the exact opposite thoughts, that I would describe as very 'quiet messages' that come to us.. almost like someone just telling us how things are, but without any need to shout. When we hear these thoughts and ideas they just glide into our minds effortlessly and often without much or any prompting at all. We do not experience any intense emotions, and even very positive ones, like excitement, or joy.. nor do we experience any negative feelings like fear or confusion. Instead what we feel is a simple knowing, it feels right and our minds are pretty quiet once we have heard the message. We just have an inner 'YES', and that is the path.. This can be a little challenging when the message is one that is very extreme, or one that makes no logical sense.. and it can be a big challenge to make big decisions when there is just no logical reason to do so.. Nevertheless, i have come to learn to trust them, and have made very many huge life changing decisions based on it.. and i have to say that they have almost always turned out to be incredible and positive decisions.

'Instead What we feel is a simple knowing, it feels right and our minds are pretty quiet once we have heard the message. We just say YES, that is the path..'

Once we learn to recognise this and understand how our minds work we will start to know what our intuition feels like, and the more we act on it and see the results the easier it becomes. It does take time to really learn to trust this, but each time you do it you will strengthen your faith and knowing because you will become more familiar with how it feels.

How to identify your intuition if you are really not sure?

There are times when we are really unsure what is going on and we simply cannot decide if we are just thinking crazy thoughts or if we are trying to tell ourselves something. This can make things very confusing and when it happens we may have to try some tricks to get over it. If you have let go of the idea, waited, and yet still are confused then probably you have some attachments that need releasing. If we are very attached to an idea or an outcome then it will be impossible to know what our intuition is trying to tell us.. For example. if our intuition is telling us it is time to end a relationship because it is not healthy for you, you may not want to hear it because you are very attached to that person, and can not imagine life without them. You may be very fearful of being alone, and have many other fears that are disturbing your vision.

'If we are very attached to an idea or an outcome then it will be impossible to know what our intuition is trying to tell us.'

When this happens we have to learn to let go of the whole situation. This can be incredibly hard of course, and sometimes we have to learn some ways to help us to get there. One of the very simplest ways to do it is to learn to breathe and let go.. you could call it meditation but i prefer to just call it breathing. If you sit down and just focus on breathing in, and with every breathe out you have the intention of letting go of your attachments, and have faith that you will be OK no matter what, you will notice that very slowly you get little slices of clarity.. you will hear that quiet voice in the silence in between your thoughts.. You really have to pay attention to the moments in between your mental chatter, and be aware of how you feel in those often short moments in between your thoughts. Its not possible to easily stop thinking, but as you do this you will have these short moments of silence.. and when you have it you will, even if for just a moment, feel the clarity and truth appear.

'You will hear that quiet voice in the silence in between your thoughts"

This process is powerful, simple and everyone can do it. The first time it is going to be the hardest, until you learn to trust it and notice what i feels like to have these short moments of silence and clarity. They are easily missed because as soon as the next thought comes, with all its emotions and power it will create doubt in our mind and totally disrupt the message and feeling you were having in the moments in between. All you need to do it be aware of the messages you got whilst you were calm, even if was just for few seconds and just trust it! Trust me, those are the messages you need to listen to.. Whenever you are very emotional you can be almost sure that what you are hearing akin to a child crying and screaming. You can notice it, but do not listen to it or believe it. It is not truth.

'All you need to do it be aware of the messages you got whilst you were calm, even if was just for few seconds and just trust it!'

Truth is always calm, relaxed, and simple. Let that be your guiding star, and just remember that simple rule. If you can remember this you will always know very easily what is going on and what to do. Either stop and breath or let it go and wait and see if it comes back, and pay attention to see if you keep getting signs and messages in any form from the world around you.

I met an Indian lady a few weeks ago who gifted me and a friend very randomly with a beautiful message. She was telling us how the Universe (God?) speaks to us. Her message to me and my friend was that we must pay great attention to every tiny detail that we see, hear and come across in our daily life. She said that the universe is always speaking to us and giving us messages and gifts but we must PAY ATTENTION! We have to notice what may seem like insignificant small details or coincidences, and realise they are our guides and gifts to show us the path that we need to be on. This is what some may called synchronicity, it is all around us and is all pervasive, it is part of the fabric of everything that is.

The universe is always speaking to us and giving us messages and gifts but we must PAY ATTENTION!'

Synchronicity is so embedded in every tiny detail of life that we can literally look at any tiny detail and discover all the answers to anything we want to know about. This is the great holographic fractal like nature of life.. everything is repeated and contained within every thing, and we can look at almost anything to hear and read its message. That is WHY astrology works, that is why tarot works. That is why you could give a perfectly good reading with a standard deck of cards; because we can find the answers to all our questions in even a grain of sand if we know how to look and we pay attention!

So, that is my sharing! I hope this is something that makes sense to you, and if you are struggling with any life decisions i really hope this is of some use to you. I have learned to believe in it and trust it, and that is now how I lead my life. Logic has its uses of course, but when we are trying to make decisions based on things we can have no real idea or ability to determine because we don’t know the future or how things will turn out, then intuition is the best and most simple way to go! Time is an illusion, and all things that have ever existed or will ever exist are all tied together in one great fractal like geometry. Once we can understand that we can have more faith that it it is only our intuition, or inner guide, or as i like to say, our Innernet that can truly provide the answers that we seek!

much love to you all <3



Intuition, that innate intelligence we were all gifted with is unfortunately soooo undervalued in the realm of business & entrepreneurship. Your statement "Truth is always calm, relaxed, and simple" is very powerful. I can absolutely relate to this as my best business ideas come from scuba diving (especially night diving ;) The calm, beauty and peace one experiences under water provides lots of answers to the "upper world" questions if one pays attention. Another key word that the Indian lady gifted you with: attention.
Great to read your thoughts on this amazing topic. Thanks.

 3 years ago  

beautiful comment, THANK YOU! i really love how you found this intuitive space whilst deep sea diving.. and at night too! i can hardly imagine!

glad you enjoyed the post, happy day to you too my friend!

Great post. I agree, it takes time for most of us, to learn to trust this inner voice. Even if we follow it and it leads us to a different outcome, we need to realize, our Soul always knows more sees further, and knows what should be our next step. I had to spend a lot of money and travel to a Shaman in Hawaii just to get confirmed what I already knew, but didn’t dare to believe. After that, I never doubted myself, money well spent 😀 but I’ve learned, letting go and surrendering to the best outcome are great parts of following the intuition.

 3 years ago  

beautiful comment.. very happy for you that you got the confirmation you needed, even if it means a HUGE voyage.. as you say, we can just trust that voice because we may never come to know why we do certain things.. maybe just being in the vibration of hawai is what you needed and the Shaman just got you there.. and at the same time gave you the confirmation you needed.. who knows.. i so much prefer letting go of the story and just following the feeling :) <3 nice to see you here! x

The soul always knows what to do

I think this is a very great post. Some times it is very hard to make yourself be still so that you can get in touch with your inner self. Once you can be still and ask your question to the universe you do get an answer. Some times we as humans do not like what we see or feel. Thanks for a wonderful post.

 3 years ago  

thank you for your comment.. sounds like you understand just what i was writing :)

 3 years ago  

This post helps and I found myself intrigued in it. Intuition is very important and must not be taken with levity hands. We must learn how to listen when it speaks especially for our own benefits. Though it may be hard when we are attached to an idea just as you have mentioned, it is worth it when we decide to breathe it out and have faith for the best. Our intuition are there to guide our paths and we also should be careful because not everything we hear is true, some are false which we need to guard upon.

Truth is always calm, relaxed, and simple. Let that be your guiding star, and just remember that simple rule.

This is very true. When speaking the truth, it doesn't come in a harsh tone but calm and soothing because it will definitely benefit us on the long run.

Thank you for sharing Sir.

I read that one of the most important parts of developing your intuition is simply acknowledging it! Sometimes, when I receive helpful thoughts or "messages" that I cannot explain, I tell myself that it was my intuition. This does not happen to me very often, or perhaps I'm just not noticing these days. I would like to get more in touch with my intuition; it is a very powerful ability. Thank you for this helpful post!

 3 years ago  

hey! thanks for your comment.. im. glad this post helped a bit.. it sounds like you are well on the path.. i think sometimes we get help when we need it.. and in your case i think you also have some psychic ability or some 'external help' or guides assisting .. that is to say..messages come to you when you are not even looking for them.. to give you some pointers.. rather than you tapping into your intuition actively.. if i understand you right! i have the same also ;)

This is indeed a life changing post. I have learnt from this post, the power of intuition.

 3 years ago  

thank you for sharing this.. really good to know it was useful to you: :)

This write up is quite nice and is very inspiring to me, you reminded me of a very important part of myself, which I am not conscious of again, because I have virtually forgotten about it or rather stopped doing those exercises that keep my inner eyes open, to recognize that inner intuition. This post just opened my eyes to a self realization, it assisted me get answers to a silent pending question, thank you.

 3 years ago  

thank you for sharing this.. half the reason i post this kind of stuff is for people like you who really do get some help from it! <3

Women are definitely more intuitive than men, or maybe it is that they accept it easier. Thanks for sharing your experiences in learning how to accept your intuition.

 3 years ago  

thanks for the comment.. so engaged you are it is very amazing :)
i think yes they accept it easier because.. they are women! ;)

I have read many books, but most of them are very theoretical. In these crucial moments that humanity is going through, it is very important to keep moving forward. I think that this individual advancement will help the rest of the people.Thank you very much for all the advice @eco-alex . It is better to hear them from a person who has lived and experienced them.

The most striking thing is that we have to be at peace with ourselves and live in the present moment to capture the sublime messages ......

I will start to put the advice into practice.

Happy day!

 3 years ago  

im glad you found the post! thank you for the prompt.. it was great to write and glad you found it

 3 years ago  

we can find the answers to all our questions in even a grain of sand if we know how to look and we pay attention!

Quite a great post, at the end, it all comes to just trust it as you said - from where spirituality begins.

 3 years ago  

awe,, i like that line too.. thank you for showing up! yes a special post really.. im glad i wrote it so i can also retune and remeber how this works! <3

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Excellent guide, thanks for sharing such valuable information.

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Great post friend!

A great post. I understand and can relate to what you said.

I find that if I ever go AGAINST my intuition, it often doesn't go well. I review the "would have" and "should have" afterward and discover it's usually an outside force that causes me to doubt my intuition. It takes strength to follow through, even if it's not well approved by others. It takes a certain conviction to maintain following through the initial instinct and not veering off according to fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Letting go, following the feeling and trusting your inner voice is one of the most beautiful things to do. And also one of the hardest things to do. We all have the ability, but very few of us really know HOW to do it.

I know that I am still learning, but step by step I'm getting closer ...

A lot of fantastic information here. Well worth the read. Like a great book, even if you only find one piece of information to help you in life, it is worth the read. Bang up job :)



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Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

I never thought about "developing" your intuition. At least you need to pay attention to it. Thanks for sharing.