thank you Justin! I read your story on the news.. i was surprised to see it was blocked via European censorship! Very strange man... very strange.. VPN let me in ;-)
Those three changes, yes, they are pretty core arnt they! and food prices is a killer.. there is going to be SO much hunger an starvation world wide due to this pandemic. I only hope everyone who can is planting seeds right now..
Are u still trying to get back to the USA or have you surrendered to being where you are?
much love and thanks again for this great post..
Thanks for stopping by @Eco-Alex!
These are truly strange times we are living in, but we are surviving well enough. It seems US immigration is closing, and Suriname immigration has reached a standstill. We have our youngest daughter's Cambodian passport expiring soon, so we're gonna have to figure out something.
All will work out as it should, we are just passengers along for the ride now.