ecoLiving Weekly Digest & Communities Round-Up

in ecoTrain5 years ago


Hey everyone! Now we have communities in place and in full swing, it seems easier than ever to not only discover our own ecoTrain community in more depth, but also to find many new and interesting other communities and people on Steem. This edition of the ecoLiving Digest also features a round up of new and relevant communities that those of you who follow ecoTrain may be interested to discover, there are so many now its hard to keep up!

To kick things off I would like to start by sharing some worthy and interesting posts relating to Sustainability and its themes from ecoTrain and other communities. We pick those posts that offer something different, something special, or something important that you many want to know about.

Posts Worth Reading...


Turing our family courtyard into a food paradise

In the last few weeks I have created 35 spaces for plants using upcycled water bottles in the south facing corner of our courtyard, on walls which were previously being used for nothing at all.

The rest of the patio is still taking shape as I am working with the sun, tending first to the areas which get the most, always making sure to use recycled plastic from our everyday life, ideally multiple times in multiple ways.

For example I used a bunch of different bottles (cut in half) for sprouting onions & garlic a month ago...

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Mindful Eating With Healing Herbs...

How often do we put things in our mouths, hardly even aware of what we are eating, grabbing something to eat? Are we really getting the nourishment we need from the food we eat?

There is something to that sayinG You are what you eat. It is this choices in food that is either going to nourish us or destroy us. And although healthy, wholesome eating is only a part of what constitutes to our overall healthy it is an important part and one that is within our power to make use of. Let's take a look at some of the effects our food has on our health as a measure of preventative medicine.

If we look back to Ancient Greece and the time of Hippocratic medicine, disease was literally understood as dis-ease, or physical imbalance. Medical interventions worked towards restoration of harmony where food and diet played a key part. Their main preventative treatment was the eating of correctly-balanced foods.

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Creating our Own Cycles

As humans we all seek to feel a part of something, we wish to feel connected. If this is unfulfilled then we begin to create our own connections. We have an innate desire to feel like we belong and feeling disconnected results in a lot of pain and suffering.

We are of course all connected, but so many people do not see this, instead feeding into the a culture of segregation, a culture that likes to divide us all up, so that we sit in our corners fearful of what others may be doing. And then there is the huge disconnection from nature that is so prevalent at the moment.

This connection that has allowed so much of the natural world to be destroyed, all for the gain of humankind. But how can we possibly gain anything from destroying the one thing that sustains us all. The one thing that connects us all.

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Street Magic - 9 Recent Curb Recycling Finds Salvaged & Sold For $2,965 (178 Pounds Saved)

Another 178 POUNDS personally salvaged from being destroyed and sold for $2,965 over the last couple of days. Requirements: my bare hands, a screwdriver, cell phone, and a backpack. How much have you saved or repurposed lately? While Steem/Tron debates remain up in the air, I keep recycling to help the real concern -- our planet. I've been finding good stuff lately and will be dedicating some time to getting those listings up. I'm in a good position now to ramp up again.

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Environment Pollution and our status || Thoughtful Wednesday

Hello Lovely Peoples. The weather and the natural environment are capable of affecting the people very well, which is why people feel inhabited when they are in the natural environment and become worried about the adverse weather. This is why people are extra frightened because of the different weather or the natural environment. People make every effort to keep themselves in a safe place. On the other hand, people rush to visit green and natural beauty places.

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SELENIUM: Why it Matters and Where We Get it

As a trace mineral, selenium is usually part of our soil. Plants absorb it and we take it in by eating those plants. This should be the end of the story, nevertheless selenium deficiency is a common issue in modern society.

Why we can get deficient
The soil (especially in Europe) is nowadays depleted in its selenium content due to heavy metals, harmful fertiliser and other toxins in our environment that end up in the grounds. In addition, it binds to heavy metals in the soil and makes the absorption for plants very difficult.

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Check Out These Communities

New communities are springing up every day, and its good to see some of them are related to Sustainability and Eco/Off-grid living. If you are looking for new communities to join, please check the following out!


For those home educating and home educated
Community Page:

HomeEdders is here to support all home education on Steem. We want you to be able to share what you're doing and ask questions. My hope is that we can pool our knowledge and experience, talk about our ups and downs and indeed our worries and fears, because we're all bound to encounter them, in an environment where we feel comfortable.

Homesteading Community

A Community For Homesteading.
Community Page:

Please feel free to post whatever you want to post in this Community as long as it is somehow homesteading related.

Garden Community

Post Gardening Blogs To Earn HEMP tokens.
Community Page:

This "garden community" will serve as a #steem tribe; allowing any user to post gardening blogs and earn HEMP tokens. Users earn 0.0001 x their HEMP holdings. Simply post your blogs here in this community and tokens will appear in your wallet! You can post any gardening content.

Eco Zone

ECO ZONE - a new SYNERGY based group to link all ECO projects!
Community Page:

There are so many small groups on STEEM - but when we start working together the world is our oyster! We are a community for everything ECO: sustainability, homesteading, conservation, and more! SMT to come...

Introducing Global Impact - A Purpose-Driven Community for The Environment, Society, and Global Governance.

SpiritWeb Community

A community to share and discuss Spirit, Spiritual Matters, and Esoteric Knowledge
Community Page:

Global Impact

Content supporting meaningful progress in Philanthropy, NGOs, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Community Page:

This community was constructed to support the principle intention of Philanthropy - in pursuit of this intention, the Global Impact community will support initiatives toward human advancement.

The term philanthropy derives from the Greek "philos" for "loving" and "anthropis" for "human being" - focusing on love and improving the quality of human life. Here, we will define Philanthropy as "improving the human condition to save mankind from destruction" - borrowing from Jared Angaza's Natural Born Philanthropist.

And Finally....

This is a very interesting video with Gregg Braden who is talking about Four Things We Can do to Adapt Our Lifestyle.
Get some amazing advice about diet, what foods to eat, what makes food healthy, and where to find quality nutrition . Learn what kinds of meat to eat, and how to cope when you cannot afford to eat expensive foods. This video is a beautiful blend of science, and meta thinking, well worth a watch!

Summary: 1. Nutrition - plant based 2. Movement/Exercise H.I.I.T. (5:50) 3. Supplements (8:55) 4. Heart-Brain Coherence (13:12)

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Lovely brief peek at some of the new communities. Would be great to learn more about them - perhaps interview each community leader to find out what their niche is, who are their key people etc etc....

Thank-you for pulling all these wonderful posts together and curating my post! Lot's of good reading there and I appreciate you including the new communities as I navigate through the new communities coming up on Steem!

 5 years ago (edited) 

thanks for this feedback.. were all pulling this together, and i like how its going so far! Im also doing my best to navigate these unchartered waters, and happy to include and connect as many of our communities as i can.. xx

 5 years ago  

If you would like to understand what communities are and how to use them please check this post out:

Awesome compilation of posts!


Such a wonderful curation, it definitely brightens up my day t see all these posts together in one place, promoting the importance of living a more conscious life. Feeling honoured to be featured xxx

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment