I'm back with another gardening report as the garden is evolving nicely and I'd like to show you where we are at the moment.
Let's start with the No. 1 in my book, the cute cucumber. This is the first one. Can you see the little one under the yellow flower? It's like it has a huge yellow hat. In a few days this will be ready for eating.
We had some problems with the seeds, the first batch was very sporadic, we barely got some seedlings, so i had to buy new seeds, which was difficult as it's the end of sowing season and seeds are scarce. I was lucky to get these seeds in the grocery store and it looks like are good seeds.
These seeds were sowed outside and the little seedlings are already growing.
Green Beans
These green beans are looking really great, flowers must appear any day now and after the flowers should come the beans too. I suppose in a month we're going to have some decent green beans, good for a nice soup.
Tomatoes are also nice and healthy, some of them are having flowers now, or buds, to be precise. If nothing bad happens, tomatoes are coming in two months or so. The weather forecast said rain and hail, which is not good. Rain I believe we don't need more right now and hail can destroy the garden in a minute. I hope we can escape hail, because there's nothing painful than watching your months of work destroyed and being left without nothing. Fingers crossed 🤞
We have a collection of peppers here, all kinds of peppers, at least 5 types, as always. Mayne it seems a lot but it is for the whole family and we're also making canned pepper as in pickles and other products for winter, so this is a healthy quantity is things go well.
We rarely have lettuce as it has to be eaten when it's time, can't really be canned and basically it's available at the farmers market all year round, so no need to can it. This year we had some seed and here it is, the lettuce. As you can see, someone had a little snack already.
The thing s, we have snails that love everything that is green and eating leaves. We had to decide between feeding the snails or protecting the garden and take action. Needless to say we chose the garden. Sorry snails, we have to eat too and if you're eating our vegetables, what will be left for us?
This is another vegetable that is not always present in the garden. I don't know what's the problem, maybe the soil is not suitable for growing kohlrabi or it's something else. This year it looks like we're going to have some. I love it in a good vegetable soup, as stuffed kohlrabi with minced meat and also just as it is, for a good hydrating and healthy snack.
Black Currant
This is one of the new entries this year. Many years ago my grandparents had a bunch of black currants but something happened to them and the one that are still good are white and red. This is why we thought a couple of black currants would be good. The other one hasn't survived, but this one looks great. It still needs a couple of years to have fruits though, but so far so good.
Every year we have a row of gladiolus in the garden, of all colors. Over the years the bulbs got fewer and fewer and now I think we'll have to buy more. In two month I think we're going to have some nice flowers.
This unfortunately is not ours, I wish it were. This is the neighbor's and as you can see, snails have been having a party as the leaves are eaten.
How I love elderflowers. These are growing wildly without any care from humans and are perfect for tea. Pollution is minimal, so we collect and dry the flowers every year and have it as tea during winter. Perfect foraging.
The first batch is already drying and the next one will be put to dry soon.

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You always have such a beautiful garden! Do you hang the elder flowers to dry? I have never had elder flower tea.
Thank you Melinda. I don't hand the flower, I place them on a clean sheet and let them dry, then collect them in a paper bag. You should try it out, it has a nice flavor.
I will see if I can get my hands on some elderflowers. I've made jam from the berries, but have never tried tea.
today.What a nice garden, wish I can have something like that, is so healthy to have such garden with vegetables around, make it easy for one to eat healthy.
Thank you! It is indeed good to grow your own food and know what you're eating, but it's also hard work if you want to do it right.
Yes I a bit about having garden like this because I have a pumpkin garden in my home town before i moved to the city and I missed fresh vegetables I enjoy from it.
today.Oh man, I really hope you do not get any hail. The garden looks fantastic, so many good vegetables to eat.
No hail so far, so it's all good.
wow great patch! It must be a lot of work to keep it so I hope everythings goes well for you and your plants can grow a lot and bear fruit!
Thank you! It is a lot of work done manually, but it worth it.