As every week our esteemed community Ecotrain presents us with a proposal for reflection, and this time in my opinion it is a very, very interesting proposal that to approach it in a superfluous way is a waste of energy and neurons. If you want to find out in detail what this initiative is all about just click here, what we are invited to answer is the following question:
Is the world overpopulated and what can we do to solve the problem?
Before I start writing my answer and attempt at a proposal, I want to make it clear that what you will read below is my opinion, based on my personal criteria, far from trying to be the most valid or true option. It is only a humble perspective as its author. Now, what you will read now is the product of an imagination with a certain propensity to utopia.
I think that the problem of overpopulation is just the surface of a bigger problem, it is just the tip of the iceberg, and as always or almost always as a society we confuse the medium with the message, that is, we think that the waves on the surface of the ocean is the whole ocean. The overpopulation of human beings reveals other social problems, which we must think about solving first, and only then the problem of overpopulation will be solved. I refuse to think that we can solve overpopulation just by addressing the birth rate issue, although it may seem logical, but it would not be attacking the real issue at its root. It is as if a patient arrives at the hospital with abdominal pain, and after a few check-ups it is concluded that what affects the patient is an appendicitis and the only thing that is decided is to give him painkillers, it is true that eventually he will stop feeling abdominal pain, but as the cause was not intervened directly, but on its effect (pain), he will end up suffering from peritonitis and that is something much more serious.
Currently our overpopulation is an abdominal pain, as a society, what shall we do? Do we take analgesics or do we act on the cause of the pain. Personally I consider that the best thing to do is to act on the cause and at the same time take analgesics, that is to say, we can take certain measures on the birth rate, and this is not so complicated although it would take work and resources. On the other hand, we can attack the cause of overpopulation. An analgesic of the situation would not be laws that prohibit having more than two children (which could be implemented), a real one would be a good sexual education, since in many countries (at least here in Latin America) from adolescence people start having children. Since there is not an optimal sexual education, the great possibility of an unwanted pregnancy at an early age is inevitable.
At this point it is valid to ask ourselves
What should we do to attack the cause?
Although overpopulation is a direct effect of the increase in the birth rate, this is due to a profound administrative, cultural and political deficiency on the part of the states that bear the responsibility of ordering the nation-state project. Overpopulation exposes governmental deficiencies, and makes us think that neither resources nor habitable spaces are unlimited, so a larger population should make us think about how to optimize our food production and in turn how to educate for a truly responsible food, because I believe that the current market is concerned about consumption for consumption itself, and the direct problem of this is that today 40% of the food produced globally is thrown away.
Stricto sensu to solve the problem of overpopulation, we must take certain measures. As an immediate measure birth control would slow down the problem a little, this would be implemented as a transitional measure while the real measures that attack the problem itself are being implemented. I think that for a better visualization I will list the measures that I personally believe can solve the problem.
- Implement a better distribution of spaces.
- New methods of public administration.
- Sex education from childhood in elementary school.
- That the human being ceases to be the capital and the product of the economic system.
- Change the social paradigm of the family.
- Implement a model of sustainable food production in harmony with the planet.
I think that each one of these measures is a set that separately may not seem too much, but if they are directed and visualized as an orchestra where all the instruments sound when they should sound, the set of these measures in its implementation could give us as a horizon a much better human life project. But this cannot be achieved overnight, it will take time because it is not only about activating certain mechanisms and connecting with human resources, but also about abruptly moving modern paradigms. If we take seriously the issue of overpopulation, it is not a single or isolated effect, but to deal holistically and sincerely with overpopulation is to deal with so many other human issues, such as the social paradigm of the family, but I can deal with this in another post.
See you next time
Como toda las semanas nuestra estimada comunidad Ecotrain nos presenta una propuesta de reflexión, y en esta ocasión a mi parecer resulta una propuesta muy pero muy interesante que abordarla de manera superflua es un desperdicio de energía y neuronas. Si quieres enterarte con detalle de qué va esta iniciativa solo pincha aquí, lo que se nos invita a responder es la siguiente pregunta:
¿Está el mundo superpoblado y qué podemos hacer para resolver el problema?
Antes de comenzar a escribir mi respuesta e intento de propuesta quiero dejar en claro que lo que se leerá a continuación es mi opinión, sustentada en mis criterios personales, lejos de intentar izarse como la opción más válida o más verdadera. Solo es una perspectiva humilde como su autor. Ahora bien, lo que leerás ahora es producto de una imaginación con cierta propensión a la utopía.
Pienso que el problema de la sobrepoblación es apenas la superficie de un problema mayor, solo es la punta del iceberg, y como siempre o casi siempre como sociedad confundimos el medio con el mensaje, es decir, pensamos que las olas en la superficie del océano es todo el océano. La sobrepoblación de seres humanos devela otros problemas sociales, que debemos pensar resolverlos primero, y solo así el problema de la sobrepoblación se irá solventando. Me niego a pensar que podremos solucionar la superpoblación con tan solo abordar el asunto de la natalidad, aunque pueda parecer lógico y no sería atacar el verdadero asunto desde la raíz. Es como si llegara un paciente al hospital con un dolor abdominal, y luego de unos chequeos se llega a la conclusión de que lo que afecta al paciente es una apendicitis y lo único que se decide es suministrarle analgesicos, es cierto que eventualmente dejará de sentir dolor abdominal, pero como no se intervino sobre la causa directamente, sino sobre su efecto (el dolor), terminará por padecer una peritonitis y eso es algo mucho más grave.
Actualmente nuestra sobrepoblación es un dolor abdominal, como sociedad ¿Qué haremos? Tomamos analgesicos o actuamos sobre la causa del dolor. Personalmente considero que lo mejor es actuar sobre la causa y a su vez tomar analgesicos, es decir, podemos tomar ciertas medidas sobre la natalidad, y esto no es tan complicado aunque si llevaria trabajo y recursos. Y por otro lado atacar la causa de la sobrepoblación. Un analgesico de la situación no sería leyes que prohíben tener más de dos hijos (que podrían implementarse), un verdadero sería una buena educación sexual, ya que en muchos países (por lo menos acá en latinoamérica) desde la adolescencia las personas comienzan a tener hijos. Como no hay una óptima educación sexual es inevitable la gran posibilidad de un embarazo no deseado a temprana edad.
En este punto es válido preguntarnos
¿Qué debemos hacer para atacar la causa?
Con lo dicho anteriormente hemos expuesto un poco más lo complejo del asunto, aunque la sobrepoblación sea un efecto directo con el incremento de la natalidad, esto se debe a una profunda deficiencia administrativa, cultural y política por parte de los estados que cargan sobre sí la responsabilidad de ordenar los proyecto estado-nación. La sobrepoblación deja expuesto las deficiencias gubernamentales, y nos hace pensar que ni los recursos ni los espacios habitables no son ilimitados, así que una mayor población nos debe hacer pensar en cómo optimizar nuestra producción de alimentos y a su vez a cómo educar para una alimentación en verdad responsable, porque considero que el mercado actual se preocupa por el consumo por el consumo mismo, y el problema directo de ello es que hoy en día se tiran a la basura un 40% de los alimentos que se producen a nivel global.
Stricto sensu para solucionar el problema de la sobrepoblación, debemos tomar ciertas medidas. Como medida inmediata controlar la natalidad frenaría un poco el problema, esto se implementaría como medida de transición mientras se van implementando las verdaderas medidas que atacaran el problema en sí. Creo que para una mejor visualización voy a enumerar las medidas que personalmente creo pueden solventar el problema.
- Implementar una mejor distribución de los espacios.
- Nuevos métodos de administración pública.
- Educación sexual desde la infancia en la escuela primaria.
- Que el ser humano deje de ser el capital y el producto del sistema económico.
- Cambiar el paradigma social de la familia.
- Implementar un modelo de producción de alimentos sustentable y en armonía con el planeta.
Pienso que cada uno de estas medidas son un conjunto que por separado quizá no parezcan demasiado, pero encaminadas y visualizadas como una orquesta donde todos los instrumentos suenan cuando deben de sonar, el conjunto de estas medidas en su implementación podría darnos como horizonte un proyecto de vida humana mucho mejor. Pero esto no se logra de la noche a la mañana, llevará tiempo porque no solo es activar ciertos mecanismos y conectar con recursos humanos, sino que es mover bruscamente los paradigmas modernos. Si tomarnos en serio el tema de la sobrepoblación, no es un efecto solo o aislado, sino que, ocuparnos de manera holística y sincera por la sobrepoblación es ocuparnos por tantos otros asuntos humanos, como por ejemplo el paradigma social de la familia, pero esto lo puedo ocupar en otro post.
You sure have valid points and I concur to all of it. To me, I feel the government or whatever may be in place to pass laws into bills should pass a law on the amount of children a family ought to have. Unwanted pregnancies these days are becoming rampant and at the end of the day, when the child is born, he or she sometimes suffer from lack of food and is just another weary wanderer with nothing to eat. If kids could be advised on sex I think it would help save their future from further mistakes.
Profound measures are needed that really have an effect on what endangers us as a society, perhaps many things may seem utopian, but we have no choice but to project a better future, but for that to happen we must act today. Thank you @windgirl for commenting and for your time.
We definitely must act today.
I'm glad I could read through. I got enlightened myself.
You write so well, gosh!
Also, you argue your points succinctly and logically; it’s true, better education and an enlightened food production system will go a long way to solving the problem. Latin America, like Africa where I live, has numerous issues including inadequate housing, poverty and illiteracy. I believe that your example is excellent- you can’t just take a pill and dissolve the malaise, solutions must deal with the root of the problem. Thank you for posting in the EcoTrain community ❤️😊🤔
Thank you for your words dear @itsostylish
I think it is time to change the social paradigms, really make decisions that can outline a future with possibilities, I think that if we continue walking the same way (worldwide) we will not get very far and that would be a shame.
Hello @filoriologo you have shared with us vaild and effective methods to crop down the rate of over population in the world. One of the points you mentioned that I think will be very effective and fast is this👇
If this can be made into a law and a must in every educational sector, it will do us all more good than harm. As children learn about sex education at an early age, it will help them to make good decisions in life as they grow
I enjoyed reading your post! Nicely written. Thank you for participating in the QOTW! We hope to see you next week 😊
Thank you for your words dear @esther-emmanuel
It has been an honor for me to participate in these QOTW activities. They always come up with very interesting topics. And it is worthwhile to stop and reflect with you.
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