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RE: Seed Packet Parade!

in ecoTrain3 years ago

I have a similar reaction. I mean, I don't even need to order seeds, but I have found that one can never really have too many seeds now, can they?

Oh your poor wife! As a fellow afflicted with the dreaded Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism, I totally feel for her. As long as I stay away from too many starches, the occasional nightshade doesn't set it off, but I am super glad you figured out some of her triggers. Mine was commercially grown beef. It would swell my thyroid something fierce. Blech!

I so, so, so love you are growing your own rabbit food! Have you ever heard of mangels AKA the fodder beet? Up until the turn of the century I guess they were pretty commonly grown for livestock fodder. Radishes and turnips I like though because they are super quick, kinda like those rabbits lol!

Have you made sausage out of your rabbits yet? I have a pile of gifted ducks that I think I am going to make smoked sausage out of...