in ecoTrain3 years ago

karma make it known to us that, whatever you do is what you would get In return, no action done is totally erase, it is counted be it good or bad and anything you do would come back to you oneday when the times comes, i agree to the law of karma and i like it, because if we should do consider it ways of operations, the world we live today would have been peaceful, people would have been mindful of their actions, because people at some point do not even think back if what they do is good or bad but they would do it and at the end cause troubles to humanity, now when they know what they are about to do is bad and as bad it would come back to them, you would see them always being mindful of doing bad things.



so that Karma would not come back and back fire them, now karma has served as a deterrent on it own, it is a law Maker of it own since it pronounces it judgement on us without us being to appear in the court room, he settle our wrong doing and pronounce our punishment, so people would be afraid of their wrong attitude, i see Karma as the things we should embraced and not the destiny which only make us see everything as simple as nothing and be doing as we like and not minding if we hurt another person or not, destiny as it makes everything simple is like keeping us in an angle where we do not have to see another method to believe in, all it would do to us in future and long way time to come.



I see Destiny as the thing that kills our ability to go on doing the things we should be doing each day by day, because, it is through this destiny that some people pays much attention to prophesies and refused to better work on themselves to become what they want to become, they believe in what prophecies says and think that it would just come like a morning shadow just as they believe it would come, without you working and making plans towards what you want, Karma never sees this as the results to anything, rather, Karma is of the point, which says that, so you do, so you would see, When you go for it, so would you see, but this days, i always noticed that we only referring to Karma as the bad things we get for outcome, but i am hear to clear the doubt that, the law of karma does not only stipulate bad things but it covers both, good and bad things we get from our actions.



karma is both good and bad, it is the same thing we get form the same thing we give out, at times it does not means the person involved get it own karma, but in some point, karma pass from generation to generation, it pass from relations and family, and come to a man, in what he has no idea of, either way it was done by someone related to you. and you have to suffers the consequences of that which he does, It may be a father to son, or a mother to daughter, depending on what the case may be.