A friend told me that smoking can take me to spirituality thinking, i was told to be smoking if i want to be in the spirit, at first i think of it, would smoking really take me to spiritual thinking, or it would only cause more harm to me and not taking me to spiritual thinking, people's used to say When you believe a particular thing, so shall it be in your life, this thing happens few months ago, but when i began to smoke, behold!, the only thing my mind could comprehend was feeling High and tipsy most at times and nothing of sort as being in the spirit, as of yesterday, i went to buy a cigarette and i asked the seller what is really the benefits of smoking, she could only smile back at me and said nothing much to me, as if i was asking her a stupid questions, but i push harder and i asked her again, then she replied to me, if i do not know the benefits of smoking, why do i keep on coming to her shop and be buying cigarette from her, i was left with no choice than to relay her my reasons of smoking, i was so surprised when she said, with her experience in selling cigarette, she never heard anyone said something about cigarette taking someone to the spirit realm, maybe it was just a slang that my friends used but not really what they mean by taking someone to the spirit world.
I was so ashamed of myself and i could not see any reasons of smoking again, as i knew it to be doing and being something to count on, being in spirit was what lead me to be smoking but it turns out to be that, if i need to be in spirit smoking would not take me there, smoking would only make me to feel high and be scrubbing my head just as rasters do, but now, i love smoking and i am into it although i see no reasons for what lead me to it, i would be setting yards for it and not to do it everyday as i should since it didn't Served the purpose i see in performing it, looking at this, it is written that smoking can cause us more harm than good, then i met with Marcus again and he began to tell me what i would derived by continuing being in that aspect but i answered to him, he is mistaken by having such belief, i also let me know that, no one believes of what he says, despite how many people i have asked, none belief in it and as that, it only shows that his beliefs is wrong and he should stop joking with people, spirituality is a never joking doctrine therefore, you should respect it just as others do, i felt It and wish i never believe his words of knowing how spirituality can take place in someone's life.